Protoc treats \r as plain whitespace, so it should have no problem with
Windows line endings.  I just tested this and sure enough, protoc works fine
with .proto files that use Windows-style line endings.
Mac pre-OSX line endings (\r with no \n) won't work if the file contains any

What kind of errors are you seeing?

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Marc Gravell <>wrote:

> I'm using protoc as the raw .proto parser for protobuf-net (I then
> process the compiled binary for code-generation); at the moment, it is
> very sensitive about line endings - if it isn't LF, it won't work.
> This creates a bit of a nag for Windows users, as you have to go out
> of your way to get the right line endings. I could patch the input
> files, but that gets very tricky if the user is importing multiple
> other files (with the wrong line endings) into their proto - and it
> means that their CRLF files wouldn't work fully interoperably.
> I have no idea how complex it would be, but is there any chance that
> protoc could be less choosy about line endings?
> For now, I've added some code to protobuf-net's "protogen", so that if
> protoc reports failure it checks the *known* files for CR (and advises
> the user) - but this is still tricky for the import scenario.
> Thoughts?
> Marc
> >

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