Oh, I didn't even know you were including composition in there.  My
benchmarks are only for serialization of already-composed messages.
But this still doesn't tell us how much time is spent on network I/O vs.
protobuf serialization.  My guess is that once you factor that out, your
performance is pretty close to the benchmarks.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Alex Black <a...@alexblack.ca> wrote:

> If I comment out the actual serialization and sending of the message
> (so I am just composing messages, and clearing them each batch) then
> the 100ms drops to about 50ms.
> On Jul 14, 12:36 am, Alex Black <a...@alexblack.ca> wrote:
> > I'm sending a message with about ~150k repeated items in it, total
> > size is about 3.3mb, and its taking me about 100ms to serialize it and
> > send it out.
> >
> > Can I expect to do any better than this? What could I look into to
> > improve this?
> > - I have "option optimize_for = SPEED;" set in my proto file
> > - I'm compiling with -O3
> > - I'm sending my message in batches of 1000
> > - I'm using C++, on ubuntu, x64
> > - I'm testing all on one machine (e.g. client and server are on one
> > machine)
> >
> > My message looks like:
> >
> > message NodeWithNeighbors
> > {
> >         required Id nodeId = 1;
> >         repeated IdConfidence neighbors = 2;
> >
> > }
> >
> > message GetNeighborsResponse
> > {
> >         repeated NodeWithNeighbors nodesWithNeighbors = 1;
> >
> > }
> >
> > message IdConfidence
> > {
> >         required bytes id = 1;
> >         required float confidence = 2;
> >
> > }
> >
> > Where "bytes id" is used to send 16byte IDs (uuids).
> >
> > I'm writing each message (batch) out like this:
> >
> >         CodedOutputStream codedOutputStream(&m_ProtoBufStream);
> >
> >         // Write out the size of the message
> >         codedOutputStream.WriteVarint32(message.ByteSize());
> >         // Ask the message to serialize itself to our stream adapter,
> which
> > ultimately calls Write on us
> >         // which we then call Write on our composed stream
> >         message.SerializeWithCachedSizes(&codedOutputStream);
> >
> > In my stream implementation I'm buffering every 16kb, and calling send
> > on the socket once i have 16kb.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > - Alex
> >

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