On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 7:15 PM, alopecoid <alopec...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmm... that strikes me as strange. I understand that the Message
> objects are immutable, but the Builders are as well? I thought that
> they would work more along the lines of String and StringBuilder,
> where String is obviously immutable and StringBuilder is mutable/
> reusable.

The point is that it's the Message object that contains all the stuff
allocated by the Builder, and therefore none of that stuff can actually be
reused.  (When you call build(), nothing is copied -- it just returns the
object that it has been working on.)  So reusing the builder itself is kind
of useless, because it's just a trivial object containing one pointer (to
the message object it is working on constructing).

> But while we're on the subject, I have been looking for some rough
> benchmarks comparing the performance of Protocol Buffers in Java
> versus C++. Do you (the collective you) have any [rough] idea as to
> how they compare performance wise? I am thinking more in terms of
> batch-style processing (disk I/O, parsing centric) rather than RPC
> centric usage patterns. Any experiences you can share would be great.

I have some benchmarks that IIRC show that Java parsing and serialization is
roughly half the speed of C++.  As I recall a lot of the speed difference is
from UTF-8 decoding/encoding -- in C++ we just leave the bytes encoded, but
in Java we need to decode them in order to construct standard String

I've been planning to release these benchmarks publicly but it will take
some work and there's a lot of higher-priority stuff to do.  :/  (I think
Jon Skeet did get the Java side of the benchmarks into SVN but there's no
C++ equivalent yet.)

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