The problem is that the parameter binding that you are providing has type
DummyResponse* but the method you are trying to bind takes const
DummyResponse*.  Even though the former is implicitly convertible to the
latter, the compiler will not consider this when selecting a template
overload.  The solution is to manually cast the pointer to make it const
before calling NewCallback.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:29 PM, srlindemann <> wrote:

> I've been messing with the Service interface in C++ but have hit a few
> bumps with the NewCallback method.  Basically, the compiler (g++ 4.2.4
> on Ubuntu) seems to be unable to match my function call to one of the
> template overloads---it then fails when it tries to match it to the
> void(*)() signature.  Is there something here I'm missing?  I'm using
> protobuf-2.2.0.
> Source (closure_trouble.cpp):
> #include <google/protobuf/service.h>
> class DummyResponse
> {
> };
> class ClosureTest
> {
>  public:
>    void MethodWithArg(const DummyResponse* response) {}
> };
> int main(int argc, char* argv[])
> {
>    ClosureTest ct;
>    DummyResponse dr;
>    google::protobuf::Closure* closure = google::protobuf::NewCallback
> (&ct, &ClosureTest::MethodWithArg, &dr);
>    return 0;
> }
> Command line:
> m...@my-laptop:~/Programming/cpp/protio/protio_main/tests$ g++ -o
> closure_trouble closure_trouble.cpp
> closure_trouble.cpp: In function ‘int main(int, char**)’:
> closure_trouble.cpp:18: error: cannot convert ‘ClosureTest*’ to ‘void
> (*)()’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘google::protobuf::Closure*
> google::protobuf::NewCallback(void (*)())’
> Any thoughts?  Thanks.
> (P.S. I tried a number of similar variations, such as a function
> instead of a instance method, etc.  Couldn't make anything work except
> subclassing Closure.)
> >

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