In a limited scope, this would probably work.

In my particular case I am working with teams from 10+ different
projects. Each project is generating dozens to hundreds of messages. I
imagine that trying to get all of those messages into a single message
would result in a pretty bloated message definition. Since each
project team uses their own .proto file, (and each team only needs to
compile and include proto files from other components they communicate
with) there would not be a central place to define this message,
though I could use the 'extension' functionality to get around this.

Another problem would be that I think I would end up needing code (C+
+) to iterate and call each of the 'has_*' methods. which is less than
Ideal with a non-trivial set of messages. It looks like I could avoid
some of this by using the reflection API to get a list of the fields
that are set.

Thanks for the idea, I'll continue to look at it. I still would love
to be able to iterate through the descriptor pool. It looks like
internally it is a set of hash_maps, so iteration shouldn't really be
difficult, (aside from constructing a thread-safe interface I


On Sep 22, 4:48 pm, Henner Zeller <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 15:39, Exaurdon <> wrote:
> > Summary: I would really like to be able to iterate through the message
> > descriptors in a DescriptorPool, in particular the generated_pool.
> > I am sending various protocol buffers as messages across a transport.
> > On the receiving side of the transport, I need to use information
> > contained in a message header to instantiate an object of the correct
> > type.
> [...]
> > Finally, am I going about this wrong? Is there a simpler way to accomplish 
> > what I am
> > trying to do?
> Not answering your question about the iterating here, but would it be
> sufficient to just have a container protocol buffer that contains
> several optional fields with the different message types you want to
> transmit - then you can make use of proto-buffers way of generating
> the messages for you
> messasge ContainerMessage {
>    optional MyFirstMessageType foo = 1;
>    optional TheOtherMessageType bar = 2;
>    optional YetAnotherMessageType baz = 3;
>    // ... to be extended with more fields if more different types need
> to be sent.
> }
> On the sending side, you just fill the right field and send the
> ContainerMessage.
> On the receiving side, you can check with has_foo() if the message has
> been sent.
> The overhead is minimal with this way because you essentially indicate
> the type of the message with a single byte (the tag 1, 2, 3 would
> indicate that). And the speed in encoding/decoding will be as fast as
> it gets compared to a meta-data approach you're considering. It is
> actually close to the 'having a type-id thing' - but just simply
> implemented with the stuff that is already there; and even in a
> typesafe manner because you have getters/setters that work with the
> correct type.
> -h
> > If I can get a descriptor for the transmitted message, then I
> > can use the factory method to instantiate an appropriately typed
> > object. So, I need a way to embed enough information into the header,
> > that I can use it to get a descriptor.
> > First, since .proto definitions are provided for the descriptor type,
> > I could transmit a DescriptorProto object with each message. This is a
> > lot of per-message overhead though. Second, I could transmit the
> > complete name of each message in the header, then I can look up the
> > descrptor in the generated descriptor pool. However, I would prefer
> > not to send the complete string name in each message. Finally, I can
> > assign a unquie id (int) to each message type, and send this int in
> > the header. This minimizes the number of overhead bytes, but now
> > presents the problem of associating each message with an int. By
> > embedding an enum 'MessageId' in each message, I can easily determine
> > the messageId of any message object. This works well, except that on
> > the 'receiving' side of the application, I need to iterate through the
> > complete list of protobuf messages to extract their ids. This should
> > be easy, since the generated_pool contains descriptors for each
> > message. Unfortunately, while you can search a pool for a specific
> > descriptor, there is no way to iterate through the descriptors in the
> > pool.
> > Is there any reason not to permit iteration of descriptors? Or is this
> > simply a feature that has not be requested/needed? Finally, am I going
> > about this wrong? Is there a simpler way to accomplish what I am
> > trying to do? (I.e. transmit a message's type from server to client)
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