Thanks for the feedback.

On 02/16/2010 10:44 PM, Kenton Varda wrote:
GeneratedMessageReflection is an internal class used by the protobuf
implementation.  Currently, users are not allowed to use it directly,
because we may change it at any time.  You're suggesting that we promote
it to a public interface, which has implications with regard to
maintenance costs and implementation agility.

I understand that.

I'm not necessarily suggesting to make this particular class public, but am looking for some way to iterate over the elements of a repeated field.

I see that this is available for classes that are generated by protoc, which is what is mostly used, but unfortunately we don't/can't really do that with R.

On the same score, if I want to increase the number of elements in a repeated field, I have to do it one by one right ? I can't do something like first reserve space, and then fill the generated space. Does that mean that memory is reallocated each time ?

I'm open to considering making this change for performance purposes.
  However, even them I'm hesitant to expose Repeated[Ptr]Field
references directly via this interface.  I'd like to see what happens if
we simply make all of the existing public accessor methods "inline", so
you could then do something like:

   int size = reflection->FieldSize(message, field);
   for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
     const Message& sub_message =

field, i);
     // Do something with sub_message.

If GetRepeatedMessage is inline then I believe the above loop would be
nearly as efficient as iterating directly over a RepeatedPtrField.  Note
that the funny syntax for the method call avoids making a virtual call.

BTW, the "has_templates" template you suggest would not work as you
think -- how would you actually use it?

implement some sort of TMP dispatch :

template <typename T>
foo( T t ){
        foo_dispatch( t, typename has_templates<T>::value_type() ) ;

and then have

template <typename T>
foo( T t , false_type){
        /* the less efficient version */

template <typename T>
foo( T t, true_type){
        /* the more efficient version using the RepeatedField */

This is similar to how e.g std::distance dispatches depending on whether it deals with random access iterator or some other iterator category.

What you would really need to
use is dynamic_cast.  My golden rule of dynamic_cast is that it should
only be used for optimization, and you must provide an implementation
for the case where dynamic_cast always returns NULL.

But dynamic_cast is a runtime thing, where TMP dispatch happens at compile time.

In your case, you
are doing this, so that should be fine.

On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 1:16 AM, Romain Francois
<>> wrote:


    Thanks for the answers.

    Maybe I should give some more background on why this is of interest
    to me. In RProtoBuf, we essentially only use the reflection api so
    that we can dynamically load new proto message types at runtime, etc
    ... we don't use protoc and therefore have no access to the
    generated classes.

    In the class "GeneratedMessageReflection", there are templates such as :

    template <typename Type>
      inline Type GetRepeatedField(const Message& message,
                                   const FieldDescriptor* field,
                                   int index) const;

    but they are private ? Why ?

     >From what I can read of the code, methods like GetRepeatedInt32
    get expanded out of :

    PASSTYPE GeneratedMessageReflection::GetRepeated##TYPENAME(
          const Message& message,       \
          const FieldDescriptor* field, int index) const {       \
        if (field->is_extension()) {       \
          return GetExtensionSet(message).GetRepeated##TYPENAME(       \
            field->number(), index);       \
        } else {       \
          return GetRepeatedField<TYPE>(message, field, index);       \
        }       \
      }       \

    so doing things like this code

    for( int i=0; i<size; i++){
                     INTEGER(res)[i] = (int) ref->GetRepeatedInt32(
                     i ) ;

    is going to be not as efficient as if I could directly iterate over
    the repeated field using RepeatedField::iterator

    Instead of extending the Reflection interface, what about making the
    templates public in GeneratedMessageReflection and then maybe use
    some sort of trait to indicate whether that the instance of
    Reflection I have access to has these templates.

    Something like :

    template <typename _T, _T _V> struct integral_constant {
        static  const _T                value = _V;
        typedef _T                      value_type;
        typedef integral_constant<_T,_V> type;
      typedef integral_constant<bool, true> true_type;
      typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;

    struct reflection_has_templates{} ;
    struct reflection_no_templates{} ;

    template <typename T> struct has_templates : public false_type{};
    template<> struct has_templates<GeneratedMessageReflection> : public
    true_type{} ;

    So that using this trait, I can dispatch between :
    - suboptimal implementation when the templates are not there
    - optimal implementation using RepeatedField::iterator when they are

    It adds nothing to the Reflection interface.


    On 02/12/2010 10:37 PM, Kenton Varda wrote:

        Yeah, it would add a lot of complication and reduce the
        flexibility of
        the Reflection interface.  We don't want to require repeated
        fields to
        be implemented in terms of RepeatedField or RepeatedPtrField.

        On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Jason Hsueh <
        < <>>> wrote:


            Kenton may have a better answer, but I surmise that it's to
            tying the Reflection interface to implementation details. A
            implementation might not use RepeatedField at all. The original
            version of protobufs used a different class to represent
            fields, so it wouldn't have been possible to implement
            for the original version if the interface required access to
            RepeatedField. So maybe the reason is historical. Recent changes
            have been made that would make this technically possible.
            adding methods to get direct access to the RepeatedField
        would still
            expand the Reflection interface quite a bit. I'll defer to
        Kenton on

            On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 2:51 AM, Romain Francois
        <>>> wrote:

                Why not ? It seems reasonnable to want to use e.g.
        std::copy and

                On the documentation it says :

                Most users will not ever use a RepeatedField directly;
        they will
                use the get-by-index, set-by-index, and add accessors
        that are
                generated for all repeated fields

                What if I do want to use RepeatedField ?


                On 02/11/2010 06:50 PM, Jason Hsueh wrote:

                    No, there isn't a way to get the RepeatedField from the
                    interface. You can only do so via the generated

                    On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:57 AM, Romain Francois
        <>>>> wrote:


                        How can I get hold of a RepeatedField object to
        manage a
                        field in C++.

                        In RProtoBuf, we do a lot of :

                        for( int i=0; i<size; i++){
                        INTEGER(res)[i] = (int) ref->GetRepeatedInt32(
                        i ) ;

                        where essentially the INTEGER macro gives a
        pointer to
                    the beginning
                        of the int array we are filling.

                        I'd like to replace this using e.g std::copy

                        RepeatedField field ;
                        std::copy( field.begin(), field.end(),
        INTEGER(res) ) ;

                        but I can't find how to actually get hold of a
                    RepeatedField object.

                        Is it possible ?


    Romain Francois
    Professional R Enthusiast
    +33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
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    |- : RProtoBuf: protocol buffers for R
    `- : Rcpp 0.7.2

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
|- : Rcpp 0.7.7
|- : highlight 0.1-5
`- : Rcpp 0.7.6

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