the leading variant in c++ is most likely in the wrong byte order if
you are running a x86 machine. as i said, you need to flip them.

On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 8:53 PM, Maxim Leonovich <> wrote:
> I watched on both buffers: they are similar, but in C++ I can't find a
> leading Variant32 with size, when in Java it exists. The rests of
> buffers are identical.
> On 10 июл, 19:33, Evan Jones <> wrote:
>> On Jul 10, 2010, at 7:47 , Maxim Leonovich wrote:
>> > ArrayOutputStream(buffer,msg.ByteSize() + 4,sizeof(char));
>> The documentation states:
>> block_size is mainly useful for testing; in production you would
>> probably never want to set it.
>> So you should get rid of the "sizeof(char)" part.
>> >    cos->WriteLittleEndian32(msg.ByteSize()); //Tryed
>> > "WriteVariant32", didn't help
>> >    msg.SerializeToCodedStream(cos);
>> If you want to use Java's .parseDelimitedFrom, you *must* use
>> WriteVarint32, because that is the format it expects the length
>> prefix. In this case, you'll need to call ArrayOutputStream::
>> ByteCount() to figure out how many bytes were actually serialized.
>> You also probably should create the ArrayOutputStream and
>> CodedOutputStream on the stack, rather than using new. This will be
>> slightly faster.
>> That said, the only issue here that affects correctness is the
>> WriteVarint32 part. The rest shouldn't matter unless I missed
>> something. You should change your code to do that, then if you are
>> still having problems you should try dumping the contents of the
>> buffer on both the C++ and the Java side. Maybe the input/output is
>> getting messed up somewhere?
>> Good luck,
>> Evan
>> --
>> Evan Jones
> --
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James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova and Albania

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