I have just the solution for you...

I'll start by warning you that I use PB mainly in Java, so things may
look slightly different in C++ - but this method should still work.

You're going to want to define an extension to

in your ".proto" file you will need to add an import for

import "descriptor.proto";

then you will need to extent EnumValueOptions

extend google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions {
        optional string friendly_name = 5000;

you will now have defined an EnumValueOption for your friendly
name...  you can use it by adding...

enum my_enum {
        FOO = 1 [(<my.package.name.>name)="Foo"];;
        BAR = 2 [(<my.package.name.>name)="Bar"];;

Note that if you have a package defined - you will need to use it when
referencing your extension.. If not, just use [(friendly_name)="XXXX"]

The () are important as this tells PB that you are referencing an

In Java you can access these by calling (probably similar in C++)


You will now have successfully defined a fixed string for each enum
value you want one for - you can do the same to associate the ordinals
of an existing enumeration with one you're using in protobuf by
defining an "ordinal" extension of type uint32.

-Benjamin Wright

On Feb 3, 9:42 pm, MahlerFive <jefflegw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to assign alternate names to enumeration values? I have
> a piece of C++ code that processes protocol buffer messages which have
> a lot of enums in them, and I need to print out the contents in a user-
> friendly, readable way.
> I know that I can get the enum value name by doing something like:
> pb::constants::EnumName_descriptor()->FindValueByNumber()->name()
> But if my enum value name is "DEVICE_CATEGORY_TABLET", I would rather
> output something like "Tablet". I can make a bunch of big maps of enum
> values to strings in my C++ code, but this means that any time I
> change the protocol buffers I need to update the C++ code. If there is
> no "alternate name" available, is there perhaps a better way to
> approach this where I don't have to make updates in two places for
> every change?
> Thanks!

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