Comment #9 on issue 247 by compuwarescc: Ability to redirect file output to stdout

I've been thinking a lot of the use of run-time usage of .proto files in java (I use this technique) and I've gone through two uses now - both involve invoking protoc from java and then using the output. The first was to perform actual code generation, compile, and load. The second (and better i think) was to use the FileDescriptorSet output and load that into FileDescriptor(s).

The primary limitation of both approaches was the need to
1) invoke protoc through the "shell" (not very platform independent)
2) manipulate files when everything could/should be done in memory

The more I think on it, the more I think taking the "this is an advanced use of protobuf" approach and saying the most flexible solution to users that want to do this kind of work is to provide a java version of the current C library used to translate between ".proto" files and "FileDescriptorProto" protobufs.

This is the one big piece missing from the run-time java capability, everything but going .proto <=> FileDescriptorProto is in there already.

I'm interested in what Kenton or other active developers of the library think about this - how difficult would it be to port the C code to java? how much of a maintenance problem would this make? I would be willing to assist with this effort if it is thought a useful contribution to the java library. If it is believed this is a worthwhile pursuit, I believe that would supersede the need for console output from protoc.

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