I found the method:

which I think will add the Pong* that I have already created/allocated myself.

Any input if there is a better method then this to use would be appreciated.



On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 4:25 PM, Aaron Rich <aaron.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> New to protoco buffers so sorry if this is a simple/stupid question.
> I have a proto:
> message WrapperMessage
> {
>    enum Type {
>        PING   = 1;
>        PONG   = 2;
>    }
>    message Header{
>        required Type   type = 1;
>        required string source = 2;
>        required int64  time = 3;
>    }
>    required TIMIHeader header = 1;
>    repeated Ping ping= 2;
>    repeated Pong pong= 3;
>    extensions 500 to max;
> }
> message Pong
> {
>  optional int32 count =1;
>  optional string message = 2;
> }
> message Ping
> {
>  optional int32 count =1;
>  optional string message = 2;
> }
> I need the wrapper so that I can send multiple other message types
> over a single udp datastream. I was going to make a message factory to
> generate the Ping and Pong messages:
> Pong* pong = myFactory->createPong("Hello");
> How can I add this Pong message now to a wrapper? I want to be able to
> use the factory so I can generate several Pong messages at once to
> pack together in a single WrapperMessage before sending. I only see
> that calling:
> WrapperMessage.add_pong()
> will give me a Pong* back. But then I either have to merge that will
> my factory message or pass it to factory to populate.
> Any suggestions of better way to do this (or improve my proto design)?
> Thanks.
> -Aaron

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