[resending, initial send didn't make it to the list]

On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:06:34 AM UTC-7, Roberto Alsina wrote:
> Hello, as part of porting one a product to Python 3, we are willing to 
> port protobuf which is one of our dependencies.
> Would a python 2.6 / 3.3 codebase be acceptable for merging upstream? Or 
> would it have to support 2.4?
> I ask because the effor to achieve both is quite different.
I'd aim for 2.6 / 3.2 rather than 3.3 because 3.2 is the python 3 version 
available as a package in recent stable linux distros.  We're primarily 
using 2.6 (soon 2.7) at Google.  People with a need for support of Python 
versions earlier than 2.6 should be able to use an older release of the 
protobuf compiler.

Obviously I haven't spent any time on porting it to Python 3 yet.  Hit me 
up for code reviews or discussion as you see fit.  We'll be needing this as 
well but some other work for our 3.x transition has been a higher priority 
for me so far so getting to this has been further down my list.

My rough thoughts on python 3.x support for protobuf:

I'd be awesome if the protobuf Python libraries & tests used by the 
generated code could be safe in both 2.6 and 3.2 without the need for 
conversion using 2to3.  But... that can get messy depending on the code. 
 If that gets messy, at least make sure that it convert cleanly with 2to3.

The protoc generated code has more options: work in both, work when passed 
through 2to3, or generate 2.x and 3.x specific versions of the code based 
on a protoc command line flag.

I prefer anything that avoids a 2to3 step when possible.  A build system 
already needs to know which version of python it is targeting so it seems 
reasonable to pass a protoc command line flag but I'm not wedded to that 

After reading what I wrote above and comparing it to my post to this list 
last year quoted below, the main thing that has changed is that I don't 
care about 2.4 anymore. :)


PS in order to accept patches upstream we'll need a contributor license 
agreement signed.  Quoting previous messages asking for that:
http://code.google.com/legal/individual-cla-v1.0.html -- If you own 
copyright on your patch.  (This can be signed via a simple web form at the 
bottom of the page.)
http://code.google.com/legal/corporate-cla-v1.0.html -- If your employer 

> On Monday, March 14, 2011 2:45:26 AM UTC-3, Gregory P. Smith wrote:
>> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 9:05 AM, maxw <mwindi...@videotron.ca> wrote:
>>> As far as I can tell, the python protocol buffer code is not yet
>>> compatible with python 3.x.  I found a few messages in this discussion
>>> forum indicating that some people had worked on this, but I saw no
>>> pointer to actual code.  Are you aware of plans or projects (internal
>>> to google or otherwise) supporting python 3.x?  If not, are there
>>> known reasons blocking this?
>> We're not working on porting it to Python 3.x internally right now as we 
>> are not yet ready to move our own codebase to Python 3. It does need to 
>> happen and I'd like to see it done this year but I have not taken a close 
>> look at it to see what it will take to do the port and I don't believe 
>> anyone is currently lined up to work on it.
>> At first glance I'd break the task down into the following steps:
>> 1) Port the python code under protobuf/python to be clean for conversion 
>> to 3.x using 2to3 and fix it up so that unittests pass on both python 2.4 
>> and 3.1; Start with the inner most modules, doing one at a time. I'm not 
>> sure how difficult this will be as 2.4 compatibility needs to be 
>> maintained. We -might- actually need to fork these into a protobuf/python3 
>> tree if keeping the code both sane while still compatible with 2.4 is too 
>> messy.
>> 2) Fix up the python code generator 
>> protobuf/src/google/protobuf/compiler/python to support generating code for 
>> 3.x.  I'd probably start by taking the easy route: adding a --python3_out 
>> to protoc and treading python 3.x as a new language. It is possible to have 
>> it generate code that passes 2to3 and works but that could be too much 
>> pain; writing code dealing with unicode/str/bytes differences that works on 
>> < 2.6 that also works right when passed through 2to3 can be a bit too "fun."
>> 3) After the above is done and pure python 3.x protobufs are working and 
>> passing all tests, porting the C++ wrapping extension module under 
>> python/google/protobuf/pyext should be the easiest part.
>> Any attempts you or anyone else can make on the above would be 
>> appreciated.
>> I suspect it might be a lot easier if we can move the minimum supported 
>> python version up to 2.6.

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