There are two ways to support custom wire format with protobufs.
  1. Implement the parsing/serializing code as a runtime library. The text
format support in protobuf can be seen as such a library. Support for
Json/XML is also done using this approach. It relies on the protobuf
reflection support which allows you to query the type information of a
protobuf message and manipulate arbitrary protobuf messages (like the
Reflection support in certain languages like Java but for protobufs).
  2. Override protobuf code generation behavior to inject code into the
generated classes or generate completely new custom classes. To do this you
have two choices, one is to build a custom protoc binary and the other is
to use plugins. Both will require an implementation of the CodeGenerator
interface. Many people who implement protobufs (for languages other than
the officially supported C++, Java, Python) take the first approach
probably because it's easy to do and the use of plugins is not well
documented. The use of plugin is the recommended approach though.

If you are only implementing this wire format for C++ and don't care that
much about performance, 1) is probably easier to try out. Otherwise you'll
need to use the 2) code gen approach. For examples you can have a look at
the third-party add-ons
The programming languages covers how to generate new classes and the RPC
section has examples covering how to insert code into existing generated
code. They are not exactly the same as supporting a new wire format but the
implementation techniques should be no different. In your case, you can
either generate new custom classes to encode/decode from the custom wire
format or generate additional parsing/serializing methods in existing
classes. Note that the support for the latter is limited. It's best
supported in C++ and not very well supported in Java/Python. For other
languages it might not be supported at all.

On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 3:56 AM, Chris Beams <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'd like to see if any prior work has been done in customizing protobuf
> compilation to support message encoding/decoding against a legacy wire
> format.
> Put another way, I'm interested in:
>  1. specifying an existing protocol using protobuf's .proto file syntax,
> and
>  2. reusing protobuf's .proto file parsing and code generation
> infrastructure, while
>  3. replacing protobuf's default encoding algorithm and replacing it with
> one that conforms to an existing format.
Plugins allow you to insert code into existing generated code, but you
won't be able to replace existing code. As I mentioned above this is only
well supported in C++. If this is not a concern to you I would be happy to
give you more details on how to implement such a plugin.

> This discussion from 2013 is the closest thing I've found to a similar
> question on this mailing list. Unfortunately it doesn't go into much detail:
> Some context will probably be of use. The existing wire format in question
> is that of Bitcoin's peer-to-peer network protocol. These messages and
> their binary representations are defined in this document:
> Note that protocol buffers were considered for use during Bitcoin's
> initial development, but rejected on concerns around complexity and
> security:
> Whether or not those concerns were well-founded, Bitcoin's resulting wire
> format works well today, and for this reason, changing it is not considered
> to be an option.
> The impetus for this question, then, is that there are an increasing
> number of implementations of the Bitcoin protocol under development today,
> and in order to participate in the peer-to-peer network, each must
> faithfully re-implement handling this custom wire format. Typically this
> work is done through a combination of studying the documentation above and
> carefully transcribing code from the Bitcoin Core reference implementation.
> This creates a significant barrier to entry as well as a potential source
> of bugs that can threaten network stability.
> To avoid this tedious and error-prone work, there is a desire to codify
> the message formats in such a way that language-specific bindings may be
> generated rather than hand-coded.
> The encoding algorithm and code generation for each specific language
> would of course have to be custom developed, but the idea is to do so
> within an otherwise widely-used framework such as protocol buffers,
> minimizing the need to re-invent as much as possible.
> I have not yet looked deeply at the extension points within protocol
> buffers to assess the feasibility of this idea. I have seen that protoc
> supports plugins [1], but don't know whether anyone has gone so far with
> them as to replace fundamental assumptions about wire format. I have also
> noticed "Custom Options" [2], which may help in expressing particular
> quirks or nuances of the existing protocol within .proto files.
> At this point, I'd simply like to see whether anyone has been down this
> road before, and whether there are reasons for dismissing the idea
> completely before digging in too much further.
I am not aware of anyone having done this before but I think it's worth

> - Chris
> P.S: Please note that in posting this question I am in no way presuming to
> represent the Bitcoin Core development team.
> [1]:
> [2]:
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