Status: New
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 689 by Repeated fields do not serialize the 'size' into the file. Hence deserialize of repeated expects an unending sequence of repeated fields

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Create a MyStudent.proto with below contents
  1 option optimize_for=SPEED;
  3 package My;
  5 message Course {
  6     required string courseName = 1;
  7     required int32 courseMarks = 2;
  8 };
 10 message Student {
 11     required string rollNo      = 1;
 12     required string studentName = 2;
 13     repeated Course Courses     = 3;
 14 };
 16 enum RequestType {
 17     ReadStudentRequest_e   = 0;
 18     WriteStudentRequest_e  = 1;
 19     DeleteStudentRequest_e = 3;
 20     SetMarksRequest_e      = 4;
 21     GetMarksRequest_e      = 5;
 22     DeleteMarksRequest_e   = 6;
 23 };
 25 enum ResponseType {
 26     RequestSuccessful_e = 0;
 27     RequestFailed_e     = 1;
 28 };
 30 message Request
 31 {
 32     required RequestType requestType = 1; // The request type
33 optional Student student = 2; // For the use of WriteStudentRequest_e 34 optional string rollNo = 3; // For the use of ReadStudentRequest_e, DeleteStudentRequest_e, 35 // SetMarksRequest_e, GetMarksRequest_e, DeleteMarksRequest_e 36 optional string courseName = 4; // For the use of GetMarksRequest_e, SetMarksRequest_e, DeleteMarksRequest_e 37 optional int32 courseMarks = 5; // For the use of SetMarksRequest_e
 38 };
 40 message Response
 41 {
 42     required RequestType requestType   = 1; // The request type
 43     required ResponseType responseType = 2; // The response type
 44     optional string responseString     = 3; // The response type
45 optional Student student = 4; // For the use of ReadStudentRequest_e 46 optional string rollNo = 5; // For the use of WriteStudentRequest_e, DeleteStudentRequest_e, 47 // SetMarksRequest_e, GetMarksRequest_e, DeleteMarksRequest_e 48 optional string courseName = 6; // For the use of GetMarksRequest_e, SetMarksRequest_e, DeleteMarksRequest_e 49 optional int32 courseMarks = 7; // For the use of GetMarksRequest_e
 50 };

2. Compile it:
   $ protoc --cpp_out=$PWD Student.proto

3. In the file, what we see is:
 686 ::google::protobuf::uint8* Student::SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
 687     ::google::protobuf::uint8* target) const {
 688   // required string rollNo = 1;
 689   if (has_rollno()) {
 690     ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::VerifyUTF8String(
 691       this->rollno().data(), this->rollno().length(),
 692       ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::SERIALIZE);
 693     target =
 694       ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteStringToArray(
 695         1, this->rollno(), target);
 696   }
 698   // required string studentName = 2;
 699   if (has_studentname()) {
 700     ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::VerifyUTF8String(
 701       this->studentname().data(), this->studentname().length(),
 702       ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::SERIALIZE);
 703     target =
 704       ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::WriteStringToArray(
 705         2, this->studentname(), target);
 706   }
 708   // repeated .My.Course Courses = 3;
 709   for (int i = 0; i < this->courses_size(); i++) {
 710     target = ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormatLite::
 711       WriteMessageNoVirtualToArray(
 712         3, this->courses(i), target);
 713   }
 715   if (!unknown_fields().empty()) {
716 target = ::google::protobuf::internal::WireFormat::SerializeUnknownFieldsToArray(
 717         unknown_fields(), target);
 718   }
 719   return target;
 720 }

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
Notice that in line 708 of the above code-snippet from, we see that it writes only contents, but does not write the 'size' before writing the contents. This makes subsequent 'parse' unsafe since it will read infinite number of repeated elements (till end of file / array).

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
I am using the protobuf-devel version that comes with Fedora 21. Here is a snippet from 'yum info protobuf':
Name        : protobuf-devel
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 2.5.0
Release     : 11.fc21
Size        : 963 k
Repo        : installed
From repo   : fedora
Summary     : Protocol Buffers C++ headers and libraries
URL         :
License     : BSD
Description : This package contains Protocol Buffers compiler for all languages and
            : C++ headers and libraries

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