I can't speak for the design choices - but *as I understand it*, the key
point of protobuf is to enable things to work well cross-platform. That
means that at the DTO level, things need to be *possible* to implement in a
wide range of languages, and the reality is that not all frameworks would
allow what you describe. So building them into the protocol would limit the
target scope, or force several to be second-class citizens.

In the case of C#, we are blessed by things like "partial classes" and
"extension methods" (and hopefully "extension everything" in a future
language version); that combined with encapsulation means you already have
a huge range of options. But - something I've said time and time again, and
coming from someone who *deliberately set out* to create a protobuf
implementation that works well against your pre-existing POCOs:

Serializing your domain model is fine, as long as it works perfectly. As
soon as it gets *even remotely* complicated - or you start having to fight
either your POCO model or the serializer, then the best thing to do is to
very deliberately and neatly disconnect the two worlds. Have one object
model that is your domain model - the POCO world. And have a *completely
separate* model for serialization - the DTO world. How you map between them
is an uninteresting implementation detail, IMO. There are tools that help,
or static conversion operators, or whatever else you like.

That said: if altering the code generator works for you: great! do that!

As to your questions:

1: if I understand you correctly, then that won't impact the serialization
or reflection/descriptor APIs at all
2: as it happens, protobuf-net already models inheritance via optional
members, and I will be migrating that to "oneof" in proto3; as part of
this, it is fully my plan to implement a custom markers (via the extension
API) that work in my own codegen, to help it recognize when to emit C#
inheritance from a .proto; so ... you wouldn't be alone in that idea (note:
my implementation is not the official Google one)
3:  what generator are you using, specifically (including version number)?
Is it possible to give a minimal example of a .proto and the C# that is
offending you, and what you want it to be instead? It would be much easier
to discuss with a concrete example.


On 30 May 2017 at 12:41, KarrokDC <dennis.cappend...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was wondering if any thought has gone into generating an interface to go
> along with the generated data classes from a proto.
> And if it had been considered were there any reasons to not do it?
> Quick sketch of my current situation:
> I have a project that has a complex and messy internal data structure
> (assume for now its too expensive to refactor).
> On top of this I created an interface that already bears semblance to a
> .proto model we use. And an implementation of this interface which has a
> reference to an internal object and 'transmutes' the data from the internal
> model to the external format. So aside from the reference to the internal
> object, no data is held by the interface implementation. It basically acts
> as an adapter.
> The implemented getters/setters allow the transmutation of internal data
> structures to 'external' structures
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-LPnAOgNI6qI/WS1B829DxdI/AAAAAAAAARg/COlh2p8vlSU4TauSGd96nqwTLHt-whPQACLcB/s1600/original_api.png>
> I am now however looking into simply generating this interface and part of
> the implementation to allow this model to be exported easily, while still
> having a clean API, which would (in time) also allow for code written
> against the generated API (also C++/python) to be portable.
> For this I've been hacking away a bit at the C# proto generation code in
> an effort to generate something that would fit into the design below:
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-W9dYNFWYiGo/WS1ULo7tEDI/AAAAAAAAASA/tye3h_IcU7cEhViEXJhzSDO95k92SLlPgCLcB/s1600/generated_api.png>
> What I've done so far
>    - Added a mirror of csharp_reflection_class as
>    csharp_reflection_interface (ReflectionInterfaceGenerator)  to generate
>    what I would like my interface to look like
>    - Added interface-ended generation options to protoc cli
>    ie. --csharp_opt=generate_interface=true
>    - Changed/added namespaces to use in generation (because in my case,
>    the interface is in a different namespace than the implementation)
>    - Added a way to extract (ie not generate) property get;set; (similar
>    to how https://silentorbit.com/protobuf/ generates from proto), the
>    developer will need to implement these themselves, but having the interface
>    enforces it.
> Now there are a number of open questions/issues that I thought proto
> devs/experienced C# developers might be able to weigh in.
>    1. In various areas, the package name defined in the .proto is used as
>    a way to create the namespace, types etc which aren't even overwritten by
>    the --csharp_opt=base_namespace=... option. and it (seems) requires a
>    C# specific option in the .proto (option csharp_namespace =...) Is this
>    something I should definitely not overwrite/force, or can I freely change
>    namespaces of generated files without problems in later
>    serialization/deserialization?
>    2. Proto doesn't actively support inheritance causing each C# object
>    to hold derived object instances. This is currently all generated out, but
>    for any OO language it doesn't make any sense to have this in a design. But
>    these are still generated as-is. I've considered custom proto markup
>    extensions to mark these types as being derived to ignore them in
>    generation of the interface (not implementation), but I'm unsure whether
>    there are better ways to go about this.
>    3. The implementation explicitly generates private fields for each
>    property and some code (Equals / GetHash etc) use these fields directly.
>    For my purpose however I don't need/want these fields, instead the
>    implemented accessors should be used. Would this cause any problems with
>    the generated code (after moving all field usage to accessor usage)?
> Are there any alternative solutions that I've missed, would any of this
> work be in any way/shape form be useful for the Proto C# generation
> mainline?
> Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?
> --
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