Any suggestions, please?

On Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 10:00:31 PM UTC+9, Ravi wrote:
> I have defined the Protocol Buffers message file as follows:
> syntax = "proto3";
> package Tutorial;
> import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
> option csharp_namespace = "Tutorial";
> message PointCloud {
>   int32 width  = 1;
>   int32 height = 2;
>   message Point {
>     float x     = 1;
>     float y     = 2;
>     float z     = 3;
>     fixed32 rgb = 4;
>   }
>   repeated Point points = 3;
>   google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 4;
> }
> This is how I am preparing the data and serializing it in C#:
> using Google.Protobuf;
> using Tutorial;
> using ZeroMQ;
> PointCloud pointCloud = new PointCloud();
> pointCloud.Height = Height
> pointCloud.Width = Width;
> pointCloud.Timestamp = Timestamp.FromDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow);
> for (var index = 0; index < POINTS3D_COUNT; index++) {
>   PointCloud.Types.Point point = new PointCloud.Types.Point {
>     X = points3D[index].X,
>     Y = points3D[index].Y,
>     Z = points3D[index].Z,
>     Rgb = (uint)((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue)
>   };
>   pointCloud.Points.Add(point);
> }
> zmqPublisher.Send(new ZFrame(pointCloud.ToByteArray()));
> This is how I deserialize the data in C++:
> while (receive) {
>   zmq::message_t msg;
>   int rc = zmq_socket.recv(&msg);
>   if (rc) {
>     Tutorial::PointCloud point_cloud;
>     point_cloud.ParseFromArray(, msg.size());
>   }point_cloud.ParseFromArray(, msg.size())
> }
> I am able to get the data back properly. However, the serialization and 
> deserialization process seems slow. 
>    - I used *System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch *in C# and noticed that 
>    *pointCloud.ToByteArray()* is taking 100ms approximately.
>    - Similarly I used *std::chrono::steady_clock::now()* in C++ and 
>    noticed that *point_cloud.ParseFromArray(, msg.size())* is 
>    taking 96ms approximately.
>    - Just for information, the length of the byte array is roughly 
>    3,784,000.
> *I want to know how to speed up serialization and deserialization process?*
> -
> Thanks
> Ravi

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