Ok, thanks for your answer. I will look for the problem somewhere else 
then. ;)

On Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 2:24:38 PM UTC+2, Vylsain wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to implement polymorphism with protobuf. I want to have several 
> levels, each new level extending the previous one.
> I have a crash when calling MutableExtension.
> My .proto file looks like :
> *package aapb;*
> *message A*
> *{*
> *     optional int32 fooA = 1;*
> *     extensions 1000 to max;*
> *}*
> *message B*
> *{*
> *     extend A*
> *     {*
> *optional B b = 1000;*
> *     }*
> *     optional int32 fooB = 1;*
> *     extensions 1000 to max;*
> *}*
> *message C*
> *{*
> *     extend B*
> *     {*
> *optional C c = 1000;*
> *     }*
> *     optional int32 fooC = 1;*
> *     extensions 1000 to max;*
> *}*
> On the C++ side, I have the corresponding classes :
> *class A*
> *{*
> *    virtual void WriteExtensions(aapb::A *pA){}*
> *}*
> *class B : public A*
> *{*
> *    virtual void WriteExtensions(aapb::A *pA)*
> *    {*
> *        aapb::B* pB = pA->MutableExtension(aapb::B::b);*
> *        pB->fooB = 1;*
> *        WriteExtensions(pB);*
> *    }*
> *        virtual void WriteExtensions(aapb::B *pB){}*
> *}*
> *class C : public B*
> *{*
> *    virtual void WriteExtensions(aapb::B *pB)*
> *    {*
> *        aapb::C* pC = pB->MutableExtension(aapb::C::c);                  
>    //crash happens here*
> *        pC->fooC = 2;*
> *    }*
> *}*
> Then, in my program I just create shared_ptr<C> and aapb::A objects and 
> call C's WriteExtensions method with aapb::A reference as an argument.
> It works as expected in Debug and I retrieve the correct data when reading 
> the file.
> But in Release, I have a segfault when writing the file, when it reaches 
> the MutableExtension call of the C class.
> To be more precise, the segfault happens on the call of 
> *google::protobuf::internal::ExtensionSet::MutableMessage(int, 
> unsigned char, google::protobuf::MessageLite const&, 
> google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor const*) ()*
> I'm struggling to see where the problem is coming from and wanted to make 
> sure the protobuf part is correct before I look for other causes.
> So you guys see anything wrong in the way I use this ?
> Thanks

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