You were trying to access those .proto from raw source code, what you need 
is downloading/installing protobuf compiler (protoc), Please see official 
github installation instruction 
( If 
you are on Visual Studio on Windows, you can also just download the 
Google.Protobuf.Tools nuget pacakge. The package is then bootstrapp as the 
following structures:

For this example, ".../package" is where the protobuf compiler and its 
resources are bootstrapped.

.../package/google/protobuf/*.proto <---these are all the well known types

in your protoc generation argument, you will then add "-I=.../package" to 
instruct protoc where to search for .proto

if you have a  test.proto file that has *import google/protobuf/any.proto 
in it. and test.proto resides in .../src, *the protoc generation will look 
something like this

*protoc test.proto -I=<absolute path of .../src> -I=<absolute path of 
.../package> <and the rest is your platform specific flags>*

On Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 2:15:44 AM UTC-8, Jean-Philippe Ouellet 
> Hello,
> tl;dr - What is the correct way to make well-known types available to 
> protoc when targeting Go?
> In the protobuf documentation [1], well-known types are imported with 
> proto package path "google/protobuf/[...].proto".
> In order for protoc to find such files, it is my understanding that they 
> must be available within a "google/protobuf" subdir of a provided import 
> path (protoc -I vendor/[...]).
> However, provides these files only under a 
> "ptypes/protobuf" directory, which can not be successfully pointed to by 
> protoc ("ptypes" != "google", import fails with not found).
> They are available under google/protobuf within 
> and 
>, among other places, but these are full 
> of other extraneous files.
> I could also play games with protoc arguments like 
> `Mgoogle/protobuf/timestamp.proto=
> <> to remap 
> every path from google to ptypes, but this most definitely seems wrong...
> Any hints appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Philippe

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