>  Where can I send you mail? My e-mail is ...

I'll ping you

On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 15:12, Shweta Sharma <shwetad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks again Marc. Yes Deserialization code is as you listed below. I was
> using protobuf-net but then moved to older version currently being
> used across our code base,, to see any impact. Where can I send
> you mail? My e-mail is shwetad...@gmail.com. I can get these objects
> serialized to a binary file and send over to you.
> public T Deserialize(byte[] serializedObject)
>         {
>             using (var ms = new MemoryStream(serializedObject))
>             {
>                 return (T)Serializer.Deserialize(ms, null, typeof(T));
>             }
>         }
> Thanks much!
> Shweta
> On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at 7:34:58 AM UTC-7, Marc Gravell wrote:
>> > using StackExchange.Redis MGET
>> Yeah, there's really no way for me to dodge this, is there? ;p
>> Minor note: your parallel code currently doesn't actually allow any
>> meaningful parallelism - you *might* want to move the "lock" so that you
>> only "lock" around the "Add". You're also currently doing a "sync over
>> async" here - I'd probably use:
>> var results = db.StringGet(rKeys);
>> but that is unrelated to the real question here. The
>> _serializer.Deserialize(RedisValue) API you're using isn't something that
>> is directly exposed on protobuf-net, so I'd be grateful if I could see that
>> code. I'm *guessing* it is something like:
>> using (var ms = new MemoryStream((byte[])value))
>> {
>>     return Serializer.Deserialize<MyObject>(ms);
>> }
>> ?
>> If that is right, then ... it gets tricky; to give a really meaningful
>> analysis, I'd kinda have to see something akin to realistic data. Is there
>> anything I can do to setup an indicative minimal repro here? Or is there
>> anything you can share with me that I can work with to try and repro what
>> you're seeing? My preference here is a randomized data creation script like
>> my example, but if the data doesn't contain anything privileged, an RDB
>> file (from redis) might work, too.
>> As I say: I can a range of in-progress changes that might help *anyway*,
>> but it would be great if I could actually test things to see how it
>> performs. If this allows me to confirm that the proposed changes make a
>> good improvement, I can always just ship those! But there may be other
>> things I can do here too. The key thing is again, to emphasize: me being
>> able to reproduce what you're seeing - because right now, I'm getting ~1ms
>> times.
>> Marc
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