Hello everyone,

I hope I can find some advise here.
I have C++ code that writes a number of protobuf messages to a compressed 
size delimited stream like this (simplified):

FILE *ofile = fopen("myfile.bin.gz", "wb");
google::protobuf::io::FileOutputStream ostream(_fileno(ofile));
google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream zipstream(&ostream);

while (loop) {

This works fine. The files are written and I can read them back in in C++ 
with no issues.
Now I am trying to read them in Python and I'm having difficulties to 
understand the structure of the files. Here's what I'm trying:

def read_messages(raw_data: bytes):
    offset = 0
    while offset < len(raw_data):
        # Read the size (4 bytes, little-endian) and decode
        size_bytes = raw_data[offset : offset + 4]
        offset += 4
        size, _ = _DecodeVarint(size_bytes, 0)
        # This reads the correct size of the message (verified in C++)

        message_data = raw_data[offset : offset + size]
        offset += size

        # This causes an "Error parsing message" exception at the first 
        msg = my_messages_protobuf.MyMessage()

... and ...

 with gzip.open( "myfile.bin.gz", "r") as f:
      while True:
          chunk = f.read(chunk_size)
          if not chunk:

Now, to clarify a bit, I have worked with protobuf for very long, although 
not in Python. Yet much Python code already deserializes such messages that 
come in elsewhere, so I assume the whole "setup Protobuf in Python" thing 
is not an issue here. It should work.

Given the fact that _DecodeVarint() correctly reads the message size leads 
me to believe the reading of the gzipped file is okay too.

Yet when I look at the raw buffer "message_data" it looks very different 
than the raw message data looks in C++ when I use the debugger there. I 
have no idea what could cause this difference.

Can anybody give me a hint on what could be wrong here?

Much appreciated,

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