On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Ted Ross <tr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> In order to make sure that it can be done, I'm attempting to use Proton-c
> in a multi-threaded server environment.The basic assumptions that I'm
> making are:
> 1. The root data structure that threads can operate on is
>    pn_connector_t/pn_connection_**t.  An application thread cannotuse
>    pn_driver_t without taking measures to ensure that it is the only
>    one doing so at a time.
> 2. As long as no two threads are concurrently operating on the same
>    instance of pn_connection_t, everything should work properly.
> So far, so good.  There is one interesting exception to the above.
> It will commonly be the case that a thread processing the reception of a
> message from an inbound link will need to indicate to a different outbound
> link that there is now data to be sent (i.e. activate that link for write).
>  It is likely that the outbound link will be associated with a different
> connection that the thread is not allowed to use because another thread may
> be processing it concurrently.
> This is not difficult to handle, but it requires that my threading layer
> be able to get the pn_connector_t associated with the link.  Proton-c
> provides the following linkage:  pn_link_t => pn_session_t =>
> pn_connection_t.  There's no way to get the pn_connector_t though.
> So, I think I need one of two possible changes:
> 1. Provide linkage from pn_connection_t to pn_connector_t (may be
>    architecturally undesirable), or
> 2. Add a void* context field to pn_connector_t.
> Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions?

Regarding option (1), I think it would definitely be architecturally
undesirable since it assumes we are welded to a single driver rather than
leaving people the option to write their own.

Regarding option (2) I'm assuming you mean pn_connection_t since
pn_connector_t already has a void* context field. I think it makes sense to
have void* context on pretty much all the significant objects. I will very
shortly have reason to want one on pn_message_t to make messenger offer
explicit acking, and I've already encountered a bunch of cases where it
would be nice to have them on pn_link_t, pn_session_t, and/or
pn_connection_t. I suspect option (2) is just more generally useful since
you could use it not only to implement backpointers to pn_connector_t, but
also to any arbitrary application state you might care to associated with a

Why don't we try option (2) and see how it works out for you?


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