On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 02:34:40PM -0500, Darryl L. Pierce wrote:
> Last week Justin asked me to take a look at the examples for Proton
> across language bindings. What I found are the following:
>                                   C  Python  Ruby  Perl
> Mailbox (Raw API)                [ ] [X]     [X]   [ ]
> Send/Receive (Messenger classes) [ ] [X]     [X]   [X]
> Send/Receive (Non-Messenger)     [X] [ ]     [ ]   [ ]
> What came out of the discussion was that there's a definite lack of
> depth with the examples. The Mailbox demo is a nice, specific example of
> stored messaging. The Send/Receive examples show very simple
> point-to-point messaging.
> But what else should be included in examples? The first thing that comes
> to mind is an example demonstrating subscriptions.
> Ideas?

One example that comes to mind would be a Rails app that could exchange
messages with a Django app, flexing both Python and Ruby language
bindings and demonstrating how to use the APIs in web apps. And
additionally we can also drive the native language driver work.

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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