
I'm interested in testing Proton against the RabbitMQ AMQP 1.0 adapter. But I'm struggling with the APIs I need to use to write even a simple program. I'm using the Java version but from what I can see the C version has the same APIs.

If I try to use the Messenger API then I don't see how I can specify a source or target on any of my links - and indeed the examples I can see showing use of the Messenger API don't do that. Indeed I don't seem to be able to specify very much, but the lack of source / target means I can't specify where I publish to or consume from.

And if I run the examples and don't specify source / target I seem to end up sending attach frames with these bits missing - which the spec says means I will never send or receive messages!

I tried using the lower level API (Driver / Connector / Connection / Session / Link / Message etc) but gave up when I got to 100 lines of code and hadn't sent a message - I assume I'm not supposed to use them directly?

So what am I missing here? I assume there's some part of the API I don't understand...

Cheers, Simon

Simon MacMullen
RabbitMQ, VMware

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