On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Rafael Schloming <r...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Rajith Attapattu <rajit...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> For starters I would copy this email to the user list.
>> (In the future we should post things like this to a more wider
>> audience, especially if we are looking for feedback based on real
>> world use cases.)
> I posted it where I intended it to go. I don't mind a broader audience
> looking at it, but at this stage I'm really looking for feedback from
> proton developers and people more keyed into messenger's distributed
> messaging model. This is for two reasons: (1) I don't want to push out
> stuff and have people start using it before it is sufficiently reviewed by
> other proton developers, and (2) a lot of the people on the users list
> (perhaps most of them) are quite firmly entrenched in the traditional hub
> and spoke broker model, and from their perspective the primary use for this
> functionality would simply be to route("*", "my-giant-hub-broker/$1") and
> thereby make messenger simulate your traditional hub and spoke client,
> however this functionality is about way more than that.
> I think after a round of discussion and documentation (not just API docs)
> it would probably be more digestable to a broader audience. Feel free to
> kick off wider discussion if you wish though, I've no objection, I'm just
> explaining my thinking at this stage.

Thanks for your explanation, and you do have a point about people
starting to use the feature a bit prematurely and perhaps in a
narrower scope than what we would have liked.
Unfortunately the same holds true if we publish it even after we deem
it's ready for general consumption.
Changing the mindset especially after years of being conditioned to a
particular approach is going to be difficult.
The challenge for Proton is to educate our users and the general
development community that we can do much more than the hub-spoke

My desire to bring the discussion to a more wider audience was
motivated by recent comments/observations by Fraser and Gordon.
Within our user base, we do seem to have a few early adopters who
seems keen to be a bit more involved in the development process than a
regular user would.
Perhaps a more reasonable approach would be to copy dev@ instead of
user@ hoping the above crowd is on @dev.

>> I actually like the minimalistic approach you've taken here. It works
>> well in an embedded context.
>> Support for regex will be a welcome addition.
>> I don't think we should bother with a config file for proton. To me
>> it's neither here nor there. Let the application developer or the
>> deployment folks who use the proton based application worry about it.
>> As both you and Ted pointed out, a more sophisticated routing
>> capability is best achieved outside the scope of Proton.
> I agree it's not the job of a library to provide system level
> integration/configuration, however we should do what we can to make it easy
> for system integrators to do so themselves and, to the extent that we can,
> encourage them to provide as consistent an experience as possible across
> systems, e.g. I considered plugging into system provided regex libraries
> for providing regular expression support, but that could result in slightly
> different styles of regex depending on which system you're on, so I decided
> against that option. (Not saying I don't want to provide regex support,
> just that if we do we should find a way that works the same regardless of
> where you are.)

Thats a fair point, I agree with you.

> Regarding your statement on sophisticated routing capabilities being kept
> outside of proton, I think it's worth pointing out that unless you're
> considering just the hub and spoke topology, routing isn't something that
> is contained to a single component or even a single class of component in
> your network. It's something that everything, including the endpoints in
> your network need to be aware of and cooperatively participate in so that
> you can achieve a given overall effect.

This is indeed what I meant, perhaps I should have elaborated a bit more.
As you said, for complicated networks, the routing aspect will be
de-centralized and achieved by the collaboration/cooperation of all
kinds of nodes/services within the network that may span
Therefore it's impossible for us to provide a comprehensive solution
through proton, or other components (routers, bridges, brokers ..etc)
we offer through the larger QPid umbrella.
What we can provide is some simple basic building blocks/helper
utilities that will help the end users to compose more larger complex
routing strategies.

In that regard what you've offered seems quite good. Anything more
will be neither here nor there.


> --Rafael

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