On 09/16/2015 02:02 PM, Tomáš Šoltys wrote:
Thanks Gordon,

I have already noticed that I am getting PN_LINK_REMOTE_CLOSE event type.
But I am not able to get any error.
pn_error_text(pn_link_error(pn_event_link(pEvent))) returns NULL.

Try pn_link_remote_condition & pn_condition_get_description instead of pn_link_error and pn_error_text.

Other thing that I do not understand is, that after sending erroneous
message I am still able to send messages (this time with correct subject)
to broker without any problem and messages are delivered.

I thought that event type PN_LINK_REMOTE_CLOSE indicated that link was on
remote side closed.

That does indeed sound odd. Do you have a protocol trace to hand?

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