On 19 January 2016 at 15:25, Andrew Stitcher <astitc...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2016-01-19 at 10:39 +0000, Robbie Gemmell wrote:
>> Can I suggest a more basic change of simply removing the release
>> version from the Appveyor job id?
>> None of the other CI jobs have that, and given it has been wrong for
>> around 5 months it doesn't seem particularly noted by most folks. The
>> branch name could still be there as it is now, which in many cases
>> would convey a similar level of information.
> That would work, but with some work as the version is part of the
> identifying info for a build. I think you could change that but it is
> there currently.
> Andrew

I think changing the job version format should be ok. The job version
currently has a/the proton version, branch name, and finally the
auto-incrementing job build number in it, meaning there isn't really a
way you can determine in advance what a particular job version will be
currently anyway (other than picking up the 'latest' one, or all those
on a given branch).

I'll remove the proton version from the job version now. Shout if it
causes a problem folks.


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