Thanks for the tests Geoff,

I have uploaded them here:

I patched the Prototyep 1.5.1 file.
There is a second file named "_prototype_1_5_1.js" which is my latest
git version compiles (so it is really "" with the patch in it
is as well.

I still get the memory leak with both patched versions.
I think it has more to do with the number of nested frames than it
does with String#escapeHTML. When I close the child window the memory
usage drops down (I am using the windows task manager and looking at
the IE process). When I refresh the child window the memory usage does
not increase (this shows that maybe its not a leak).

However, Drip suggests the the memery is never released.Wwhen
refreshing the child window in drip it stair steps the memory usage.
This may just be a Drip bug.

In your 1 MB leak example you load Prototype js 4 times -> 1000kb/4 =
250kb per page instance.(you have a body page without Prototype as
well that is propbably using up some of that memory as well)

Can you try the tests that I have linked to and confirm that the
memory spike is still an issue with the patches applied (maybe check
the patch to see if it's applied write).


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