
On 14 Mag, 00:23, Ken Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Diego Perini wrote:
> > ...
> > I believe the last comment in the following related thread by
> > "liorean" says something too (having a separate CSSLoaded event):
> >
> > ...
> +1 for a separate CSSLoaded event.  I'm not seeing why dom:loaded should
> have to have anything to do with external files.  Not waiting for
> external files seems like the whole point of using dom:loaded as opposed
> to window onload.

I have to agree with you...

Good points, but limited to the specs, we should balance a bit and
our user base too. Specifications set the guide lines and just impose
requirements, it was not in their intentions to limit our intents into
issues we may encounter.

Having a separate "CSSLoaded" requires a cross-browser implementation,
it may be easy but I haven't investigated further out of Safari /
the "disabled" property of style sheets should exists in all browsers,
what scares me a bit are the difference with which a stylesheet
may be implemented: in-line style, LINKed style, @import...

Remember that the main issue and bugs here are IE related,
the rest are just extra bonus worth a look while we are at it.

Diego Perini

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