If a cache is to be used it can be uniquely marked via the same
approach as elements in the event system
element._prototypeWrapperId = [arguments.callee.id++];
the id is unique and doesn't transfer if you clone the node.

var instance = Prototype.Element.cache[ element._prototypeWrapperId ];
if (instance) return instance;

This would work well with this patch (allowing Class.create to return
a value).

Some host objects may not allow the addition of custom properties
though, and in
those cases they wouldn't get cached.

I like having a common property for the wrapped object (+1 for the
var el = new Prototype.Element(element);
el.raw, or el.obj, or el.wrapped, or el.source.
I kinda dig el.source

We don't have to worry to much about naming conflicts because this is
a property of the wrapper instance and
not of the Element host object.

I like the "imports" idea. I think adding custom prefixes is a bit
much though.
(or maybe its just the method name that bothers me)

Checking if the object you are dealing with is extended is as easy as
if (element instanceof Prototype.Element)

There has been reports of Prototype loosing the properties assigned to
String static object when dealing with Flash's externalInterface
(flash/js communication)
I think using a wrapper is pretty painless and we can see this via:
var text = $.str(text);

I also like Kangax's idea to use $A for wrapping arrays, it feels like
the natural choice.
var arr = [1,2,'bob'];
$A(arr).each(function(n) { ..});

As a bonus I think we should follow jQuery's lead and allow
$$(selector).hide() or something. If $$ is a selector wrapper, I would
want to be able to do
$$(selector).hide() instead of $$(...).invoke('hide') or instead of  $$
('#input')[0].getValue() -> $$(...).getValue();


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