On Sep 11, 7:08 am, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> @Jim:
> > Yep, this is Java-esque but that doesn't *always* equal evil!
> Hardly ever!  I'd say hashCode has a place.
> Let's step back and ask the question:  What are the use cases for a
> hash keyed by non-string objects?  Are they compelling?  (I'm not
> saying they aren't, just saying that before running off on an idea, we
> need to ask the question.)

I would actually like to hear about use cases too. Developing web apps
for 3 years now I haven't ever needed to use hash with arbitrary keys.
It doesn't mean such thing is not useful; I'm just failing to see how
(and where) it can be applied in practice (especially in a context of
web apps).


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