If that's the only problem, why not deal with it on the server. I see
that you're using PHP. That would be as easy as:

$msgtime = str_replace('%3A',':',$_REQUEST['msgtime']);

Considering that message is received by the server-side script almost
instantly, you could forgo sending the time at all and instead
determine the time on the server:

$msgtime = date('H:i:s');

Additionally, setting { encoding: 'windows-1251' } doesn't really do
much as request is sent in UTF-8 and encoding of the reponse is
determited by what encoding is set by the server. In order to be able
to receive Windows-1251 you should set encoding for the message in
your script:

header('Content-type: text/html; charset=windows-1251');

Tho it's not really my business, I'd suggest you to think about
parameters you're sending. You're passing userId as a parameter to the
server which means that anyone could fake such a request and pose as a
different user. I'd use sessions instead.

Good luck with the service
- Baglan
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