Can anyone help? I'm really close to solving this, I just need someone
with a better grasp of Javascript to prod me in the right direction...

On Nov 3, 9:51 am, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 1, 4:38 pm, Jarkko Laine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1) your alerting with a string "bar" there.
> > 2) $$ returns an array of elements. If you want a single item, why not  
> > give the span a unique id and call it with $? If you need to use the  
> > double-dollar selector, you need to get the first element of the array  
> > to get the actual element: $$('#container_'+boxID+' span')[0]; One  
> > option that gives you the span element (with the html syntax you  
> > posted before) is this: $('container_' + boxID).down('span').
> > > <a href="#" onclick="foo("24");">click here</a>
> > > // returns "$$('#container_24 span')";
> > You mean the function above alerts that string? Frankly, I don't  
> > believe you :-)
> > The parameter that $ and $$ take is just a normal string. There's  
> > nothing magical about it. So if you can do "string" + someVar, and the  
> > result is a string, you can give it as a parameter to those functions.
> > //jarkko
> I tried out those methods (the [0] ending and the .down function),
> neither worked. I'm still struggling to get my head around this - I
> can only pass the ID of the element through a function, so it's always
> going to be a variable, I can't know it in advance. Here's some actual
> code (the above stuff was a simplified (and badly-written...)
> function, not the actual one):
> //contained within my function:
>         var spanName = "span_"+levelID; //levelID is passed in the function
>         var spanArray = document.getElementsByClassName(name); // gets all
> the elements I want to test
>         var completeArray = spanArray.getElementsByClassName('complete'); //
> should get all elements within the above array with a class of
> 'complete'
>         // if the number of spans is the same as the number of spans with
> 'complete' class:
>         if(spanArray.size() == completeArray.size()) {
>                 $('level2_click_1').removeClassName('incomplete');
>                 $('level2_click_1').addClassName('complete');
>                 $('level2_click_1').update("ON");
>         } else {
>                 $('level2_click_1').removeClassName('complete');
>                 $('level2_click_1').addClassName('incomplete');
>                 $('level2_click_1').update("OFF");
>         }
> <span class="span_1 incomplete" id="level3_click_1">
>   <a href="javascript://" onclick="changeState('level3', '1',
> 'on')">OFF</a>
> </span>
> <span class="span_2 incomplete" id="level3_click_2">
>   <a href="javascript://" onclick="changeState('level3', '2',
> 'on')">OFF</a>
> </span>
> <span class="span_3 incomplete" id="level3_click_3">
>   <a href="javascript://" onclick="changeState('level3', '3',
> 'on')">OFF</a>
> </span>
> ####
> Basically, when all three of those spans have class name
> 'complete' (eg, are turned on) I want a different span somewhere else
> (the 'level2_click_1' span, which I will need to turn into a variable
> rather than a hardcoded reference) needs to switch to 'complete' too.
> Does this make any more sense now?
> Matt
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