On Nov 14, 3:45 am, Robert Zotter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ehsun,
> Can you post some code so we can get a better understanding of what
> you are trying to accomplish.
> Off the top of my head though it sounds like you may want to look into
> scope 
> binding.http://www.prototypejs.org/api/function/bindhttp://www.prototypejs.org/api/function/bindAsEventListener
> --
> Robert Zotter
> Zapient, LLC
> Ruby on Rails Development and Consulting
> http://www.zapient.comhttp://www.fromjavatoruby.com
> On Nov 13, 1:39 pm, Ehsun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've create an Object in my pages script tags, something like this:
> > a = new A();
> > and when I want to call a method of a in the script which is actually
> > the ajax content (evaluated with .evalScripts) everything is fine. but
> > when the creation and the calling code, both are in the ajax contents
> > (seperate requests) which are evaluated! the second script (calling
> > script) has no access to the object!!!
> > What should I do?

I have 2 classes: AjaxTab and AjaxForm

AjaxTab uses Ajax.Updater to fetch ajax content to the page and
AjaxForm is uses Ajax.Request to Ajaxify the process of posting a HTML

When I write the following code in my page:

<form id="someId">

var af = new AjaxForm("someId", "callback.php");

And this code in my serverside, callback.php

echo "<script>af.showMessage('wrong data!', '#ff0000');</script>";

if works fine!

But If I fetch the first portion of code to the page by means of
AjaxTab, then the script af.showMessage() will fail since the object
af will not be recognized!!!

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