Hi All,

I wondered whether anyone had experienced anything similar to this?

When I am dragging an item, sometimes the draggable sticks to the
mouse, and you have to click again to let it go, whereas other times,
it drags fine, and is released when you let go of the mouse button.

I am registering the draggables as follows:

var inset = document.getElementsByClassName('formObject');
                                            for (var i = 0; i <
inset.length; i++) {
                                                new Draggable(inset
[i].id, {ghosting:false, revert:false})

It does seem more prominent on items that are larger in size (in px's)
than it does with small items.

I know this sounds rather vague, but I can't attribute anything else
to causing it. Has anyone experienced similar? This occurs in IE, and
in Firefox.

Thanks in advance,

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