sounds like an encoding problem ... for me IE often stops working if
everyting is utf-8 and
i also declare the reponse to be utf-8 encoded. if i remove the
encoding on the response
it works fine in IE, too

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Patrick <> wrote:
> I am loading some XML:
>            new Ajax.Request(this.options.url, {
>                method: 'post',
>                parameters: '&r=hl&f=' + $F(this.textbox),
>                onSuccess:function(transport)
>                {
>                = transport.responseXML;
>                         alert(
> ('Locations')[0].childNodes.length);
>                }
>             });
> In Firefox I am getting a good result on the alert, in IE it returns
> zero.
> When I am loading the responseText from transport into Xmldoc it
> retruns a good result:
> // testing result for IE
> xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
> xmlDoc.loadXML(transport.responseText);
> alert(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('Locations')[0].childNodes.length);
> Any suggestions?
> >

Lars Schwarz
Heiligengeiststr. 26
26121 Oldenburg
T 0441 36110338
M 0151 1727 8127

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