Thanks for all your help with this, I really don't know what was
happening but changing the javascript files for new copies has fixed
it for some reason - thanks for the advice though - its certainly
prompted me to go and but exception handling in.

On Feb 12, 3:24 pm, disccomp <> wrote:
> I usually respond with a JSON object that at least provides some debug
> info like:
> {msg:'panel_X removed from col1'}
> {msg:'panel_X inserted in col2, position Y'}
> or
> {msg:'panel_X moved to position Y'}
> On the client I pass the debug string to a logging function that I use
> to output all my debugging stuff to any javascript console available:
> con=function(action,output){try{if(typeof(window.console)!='undefined')
> { window.console[action](output); return true; }else{ return false; }}
> catch(e){}}
> (Example)
> onSuccess:function(data){
>   if(typeof(data.responseJSON)!='undefined' && data.responseJSON!=null)
> {
>     o = data.responseJSON;
>     if( typeof(o.msg)=='string' ){
>       con('info','Server: ' + o.msg); //Output the debug message
>       con('dir',o);                   //Dump the rest of the servers
> response
>     }
>   }
> }
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