
First a bit about me and my setup. I'm an entirely self-taught (the 
worst kind, I'm sure!) JavaScript, PHP and MySQL developer. I have a 
PowerMac G5 with Apache running on it purely for local development 
purposes, after which the code's all uploaded to a shared Linux host. 
I use the Prototype library but not, so far, script.aculo.us (maybe I 
should look into that).

I should also say that my understanding of Ajax is, erm, a little 
hazy, but I have made it work very nicely with the help of 
Prototype... until now.

So, my current problem. I'm working on a CMS for a client which 
involves a large-ish form via which they add information to their 
MySQL database. There are three points in the form where a smaller 
form can be called up, via JS, into a 'lightbox' (like a popup but 
not a popup) so they can enter subsidiary data which goes into the 
database via Ajax and updates a <select> or whatever in the main 
form. At the end of each JS function that does the Ajax there's a 
'return false;' to prevent the form data being sent in the 
traditional manner and calling the main script.

I've made this work perfectly in a couple of places, but in the third 
case the 'return false;' is being ignored, the form is being sent in 
the traditional way and of course the whole thing falls over because 
the data is not what the main script expects. But... apart from the 
details, the way this works is identical to the two which work 
perfectly well, so I've hit an impasse.

The functions that work (with the irrelevant parts taken out):


// handle form for recording a new event venue and adding it to a <select>
function venFormHandler() {
        var pars = 'venue=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('venue')) + 
'&cityid=' + $F('cityid');
        if ($F('url').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&url=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('url'));
        if ($F('address').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&address=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('address'));
        if ($F('postcode').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&postcode=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('postcode'));

        var url = base + 'ajaxnewvenue';

        // send request to do the business
        var myAjax = new Ajax.Request (
                        method: 'post',
                        parameters: pars,
                        onSuccess: function (req) {
                                // get new venue id from returned xml
                                var xml = req.responseXML;
                                var newvenid = 

                                if (newvenid) {
                                        // get new venue info from returned xml
                                        // and do the necessary to put it in 
the <select>
                                else {
                                        alert ('Unable to add new venue to 
                                $('newvenmsg').style.display = 'none';
                        onFailure: function() {
                                alert ('Unable to add new venue - script 

        return false;

As you can see, this calls the script ajaxnewvenue.php (I always use 
multiViews, hence no file extension), and this works like a charm. As 


// handle form for recording a new speaker and adding him/her to a <select>
function spkrFormHandler() {
        var pars = 'surname=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('surname'));
        if ($F('sptitle').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&title=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('sptitle'));
        if ($F('forename').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&forename=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('forename'));
        if ($F('suffix').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&suffix=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('suffix'));
        if ($F('urls').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&urls=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('urls'));

        var url = base + 'ajaxnewspeaker';

        // send request to do the business
        var myAjax = new Ajax.Request (
                        method: 'post',
                        parameters: pars,
                        onSuccess: function (req) {
                                var xml = req.responseXML;
                                // get new speaker id from returned xml
                                var newspkrid = 

                                // new speaker has been added
                                if (newspkrid > 0) {
                                        // get info and add to several <select>s

                                // duplicate found (script returns -1 if so)
                                else if (newspkrid < 0) {
                                        // confirm or reject duplicate
                                        var yesnew = confirm ('There is already 
a ' + 
name + ' in the database.\nClick OK to add a new ' + name + ' or 
Cancel to use the existing one.');

                                        // add new one (further ajax call)
                                        if (yesnew) {
                                                url = base + 
                                                var myAjax = new Ajax.Request (
                                                                method: 'post',
function (req) {
                                                                        var xml 
= req.responseXML;
                                                                        // get 
new speaker id from returned xml
newspkrid = 

                                                                        // new 
speaker has been added
(newspkrid > 0) {
// get info and add to 
several <select>s
                                                                        // or 
                                                                        else {
alert ('Unable to add new 
speaker to database.');
function() {
('Unable to add new speaker 
- script failure.');

                                        // use existing
                                        else {
                                                // select the existing name in 
the <select>
                                else {
                                        alert ('Unable to add new speaker to 
                        onFailure: function() {
                                alert ('Unable to add new speaker - script 

        return false;

This calls ajaxnewspeaker.php and, if a duplicate is found which the 
user accepts (two people can have the same name!), 
ajaxnewspeakernocheck.php - and this all works fine and dandy. 


// handle form for recording a new book and adding a new field to the 
main form function bookFormHandler() {
        var pars = 'title=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('btitle'));
        if ($F('isbn').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&isbn=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('isbn'));
        if ($F('publisher').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&publisher=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('publisher'));
        if ($F('rrp').match (/\w/)) {
                pars += '&rrp=' + encodeURIComponent ($F('rrp'));
        // complicated stuff about authors omitted here, but trust me, it 
still doesn't work without it!

        var url = base + 'ajaxnewbook';

        // send request to do the business
        var myAjax = new Ajax.Request (
                        method: 'post',
                        parameters: pars,
                        onSuccess: function (req) {
                                var xml = req.responseXML;
                                // get new book id from returned xml
                                var newbookid = 

                                // new book has been added
                                if (newbookid > 0) {
                                        // get info and insert new field in form

                                // duplicate found (-1 returned)
                                else if (newbookid < 0) {
                                        // alert about duplication
                                        alert ('There is already a book in the 
with this ISBN.\nTo make changes to this book, use the Manage Books 

                                // db failure
                                else {
                                        alert ('Unable to add new book to 
                        onFailure: function() {
                                alert ('Unable to add new book - script 

        return false;

I know this makes the correct query string and url for 
ajaxnewbook.php, but it simply isn't getting as far as calling that 
script. There's no sign of it in my access logs and the Firefox 
LiveHTTPHeaders extension shows that it calls the main script 
(admin.php) - so for some reason 'return false' isn't working. The 
other thing that's clear from LiveHTTPHeaders is that the query 
string is definitely as read straight from the form fields, rather 
than after the necessary JS processing that's done to it (that 
'complicated stuff' I took out) before calling the Ajax.

But what the heck is the difference from the two functions that work? 
Sure, there's plenty of difference in the details of the processing 
it does, but even if I comment all that out and reduce it to:

        var myAjax = new Ajax.Request (
                        method: 'post'
... and set ajaxnewbook.php to write something in a file, it /still/ 
fails and calls admin.php.

And for what it's worth, the forms that trigger these functions - 
which are very small and simple - are identical apart from the 
necessary name changes and the details of the data fields themselves.

Oh, and I get no errors of any sort reported!

I'm tearing the remains of my hair out here, so any clues would be 
more than welcome.

Cheers... Chris
Highway 57 Web Development -- http://highway57.co.uk/

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