
All of your subclasses and instances share a unique responders object.

Why don't you just set your responders as regular instance methods of
your class ?

That would be a lot cleaner and would avoid the problem completely.



On Feb 18, 10:36 pm, dashifen <dashi...@dashifen.com> wrote:
> Bear with me, as the problem I'm encountering seems very arcane.
> Hopefully I can describe it well enough that we can determine what the
> problem is and fix it.
> A few months ago I designed an lightbox style "modal" dialog class
> that I call the Dashbox.  No one else really uses it but me, I wrote
> it to learn more about object oriented programming within the
> Prototype framework and it's served my needs to date.  I've frequently
> used Class.create() to produce subclasses of Dashbox that load (via
> the Ajax object) specific files or have specific behaviors, etc.
> Dashbox, like any good utility class, provides me some basic
> responders to which I can attach functions which create the necessary
> behaviors.  Two of these responders are afterOpen and afterClose.  By
> default, the Dashbox uses Prototype.emptyFunction for these responders
> and then when a Dashbox instance is created (with the new operator),
> custom functions can be attached to the the instance and are called at
> appropriate moments in the life time of that instance's operation.
> Custom responders are passed as an object to the constructor of an
> instance and applied to the instance as follows:
> initialize:  function(url, custom_responders) {
>  /* ... other stuff goes here ... */
>  if(custom_responders) for(responder in custom_responder)
> this.responders[responder] = custom_responder[responder];
> }
> Previously, it was always one instance of the Dashbox--or its
> subclasses--on a page at a time, but today, I ran into the need to
> display a date-picker dialog (called Dashdate) and some context-
> sensitive help (Helpbox).  Both of these classes are subclasses of
> Dashbox.  For a reason that I cannot determine, however, the custom
> responders for the class that is instantiated _last_ become the
> responders for both instances.
> Here's the relevant files:
> *  Dashbox:http://pastie.org/393317   <-- pastie didn't like the
> line lengths in this one, sorry.
> *  Dashdate:http://pastie.org/393314
> *  Helpbox:http://pastie.org/393316
> *  The file which instantiates them:  http://pastie.org/393322
> At this point, I'm clueless.  If you look in Dashdate and Helpbox, you
> can see that their afterOpen handler has a Firebug console.log()
> statement in it.  In the code on the fourth link (the file which
> instantiates them) you can see that the date picker is instantiated
> last.  Therefore, whether the Helpbox's activate is called or the
> Datepicker instance's, the dpAfterOpen method is executed.
> I feel like I'm not explaining myself well, so I hope this isn't all
> clear as mud.  Feel free to ask questions cause, for the moment, I'm
> completely stymied.
> Thanks,
> Dave Dashifen Kees
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