That's a pretty old article and bug, from over a year and a major  
version ago. As far as I know, you can't change a PU mid-stream, and I  
also fight with it from time to time to try to get it to live-update  
any variables, but that seems to run counter to how it works.

What you can do is kill it and start another one, which is what I  
thought you were doing here. Try leaving off the var part inside your  
function and see if it does what you expect then. While you're at it,  
take the liveStream out of your function signature, so you are  
explicitly reading and modifying the "one true" liveStream from the  
global space.

var liveStream; //sets a global variable, available everywhere
function livestart(lang){
        if(liveStream && liveStream.stop){ //kills the global if it's set
                liveStream = undefined;
         //now set the global to a new instance of PU
        liveStream = new Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater('live_buehne', '/inc/
live.php?lang='+lang, { method: 'get', frequency: 5, decay: 2 });


On Mar 13, 2009, at 8:45 AM, flughund wrote:

> hm, ok. But how can I change a runnig PUpdaters options?
> Is there a better way?
> btw: 
> msg00269.html
> I don't understand the article, but maybe...

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