Thanks guys. I am going to compare the difference in processing time
of TJ's suggestions. It will be called often (from a Form Observer).
For now I am using this one:

(element))) {

Wasn't aware of the any function.

Matt. I tried swapping bind for curry and it gave an error.

On May 14, 3:32 pm, Matt Foster <> wrote:
> >     var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
> >     if (test.any(element.hasClassName.bind(element))) {
> I believe using the non-methodized version of this method would be
> better
> Element.hasClassName.curry(element);
> --
> On May 14, 12:30 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I can think of two approaches off-hand:
> > 1. Use Enumerable#include on the array of classes you want to test
> > against, using Element#hasClassName as the iterator function (bound to
> > the instance), e.g.:
> >     var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
> >     if (test.any(element.hasClassName.bind(element))) {
> >         // ...
> >     }
> > or
> >     if (['foo', 'bar', 'foob'].any(element.hasClassName.bind
> > (element))) {
> >         // ...
> >     }
> > (You don't need to use $A() around array literals.)
> > 2. Use $w on the class name to get an array of the individual class
> > names, then use Enumerable#any on that, passing in Enumerable#include
> > on the array you want to test against as the #any iterator.  Something
> > like this:
> >     var test = ['foo', 'bar', 'foob'];
> >     if ($w(element.className).any(test.include.bind(test))) {
> >         log("true");
> >     }
> > (Both of those bits of code are untested.)
> > But if this is going to be happening a lot (a tight loop, or a
> > mouseover handler, etc.), check the runtime cost of each of these by
> > going under the covers.
> > FWIW,
> > --
> > T.J. Crowder
> > tj / crowder software / com
> > Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available
> > On May 13, 7:34 pm, louis w <> wrote:
> > > I have an array containing a number of strings. I would like to
> > > continue exucuting my script only if an item has ANY/ALL of the
> > > strings assigned as a class name.
> > > $A(['foo', 'bar', 'foob']);
> > > Is there an elegant want to do this without having to loop through the
> > > items?
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