Hi guys...

I have some Problems in all modern Browsers (IE8, Safari4, Opera10)
using the Element.down() function. I'm building with a Template a list
of div containers and in those containers there is some text and two
buttons. The buttons come when the User has the right rights to click
on them. After the creation of this containers i look with Element.down
('img.buttonDelete') if there is the image inserted or not. But when i
use this function the Browser stops the insertion. It looks like there
is an error but no browser fires an error at all. here is some code..

var gbEtmpl = new Template('<div id="#{eid}" style="padding-bottom:
5px;">' +
                             '<div style="text-align:left; width:100%;
height:93px; background-image:url(./pics/site/main/gbback_02.png);
                               '<div style="padding-top:55px; padding-
left:20px; font-family:Arial Black, Verdana; color:#000000; font-size:
13px; font-weight:500;">'+
                             '<div style="width:100%; text-align:left;
background-image:url(./pics/site/main/gbback_03.png); background-
                               '<div style="min-height:100px; padding-
top:10px; padding-left:20px; padding-right:30px;">'+
                             '<div style="background-image:url(./pics/
site/main/gbback_05.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;">'+
                               '<div class="clearfix" style="height:
43px; padding-top:15px; margin-left:15px;">'+
                                 '<div style="line-height:18px;
float:left; width:49%; text-align:left;">'+
{date} #{time} #{uname}'+
                                 '<div style="line-height:18px;
float:left; width:50%; text-align:right;">'+
                                   '<div style="padding-right:15px;">'
                                     '#{em} #{hp} #{icq} #{aim} #{yim}
#{msn} #{xf}'+
                                   '</div>' +

function showEntrys( XHR )
  var e, i, imgObject;
  edata = XHR.entrys;
  for( i = 0; i < edata.length; i++ ) {
    e = edata[i];
    $('entrys').insert( gbEtmpl.evaluate({ eid:e.eid, hl:e.hl,
date:e.date, time:e.time, uname:e.uname, msg:e.msg, icq:e.icq,
aim:e.aim, yim:e.yim,
                                           msn:e.msn, xf:e.xf,
hp:e.hp, em:e.em, ed:e.ed, ee:e.ee }) );
    alert( e.eid );
    if( $( e.eid ).down('img.gbEditButton') ) alert('isda');
    if( $( e.eid ).down('img.gbEditButton') != undefined ) $
( e.eid ).down('img.gbEditButton').onclick = showEditEntry;
    if( $( e.eid ).down('img.gbDeleteButton') != undefined ) $
( e.eid ).down('img.gbDeleteButton').onclick = msgBoxDeleteEntry;

I have two alerts in there to show you how far the browser comes with
parsing... In Firefox there is no Problem both alerts are coming and
the insertion goes till the end... this code worked one year and now
with the new Browser generation something is going wrong...

When i test this code in IE8 => IE7 Mode... Activated with Developer
Tools then the site is loading normally...

Please Help...

Regards Posseidon
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