A few things...

 var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));

You can clean this up as:

 var params = $('createAdjForm').serialize();

There are other points that you could optimize, but thats not your

And at whatever point you want adjForm to appear, you need to add:



On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 5:46 PM, anthony <mrsmi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a form that when a user selects something from a drop-down,
> another element in the form appears. There is another piece of the
> form, that is never showing up, I need to understand what I am doing
> wrong and how to fix it:
> <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
> function getAdjForm() {
>       var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));
> alert($('territory').value);
>        if ($('adjType').value !== "" && $('territory').value !== ""){
>                new Ajax.Updater(
>                "adjForm",
>                "<?= $this->url(array('controller'=>'index',
> 'action'=>'get-adj-
> form'))?>",
>                {method:'post',
>                parameters: params});
>        }
> }
> function getTerritories() {
>        var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));
>        new Ajax.Updater(
>        "territories",
>        "<?= $this->url(array('controller'=>'index', 'action'=>'get-
> territories'))?>",
>        {method:'post',
>        parameters: params});
>        if ($('adjType').value !== ""){
>                //alert('ddddddddd');
>                getAdjForm();
>        }
> }
> function getCustomer() {
>        var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));
>        new Ajax.Updater(
>        "customer",
>        "<?= $this->url(array('controller'=>'index', 'action'=>'get-
> customer'))?>",
>        {method:'post',
>        parameters: params});
> }
> </script>
> <form method="POST" id="createAdjForm" action="">
> <p>
> <table border="0" CELLSPACING="10">
>        <tr>
>                <td>
>                        <b>Select Adjustment Type</b>
>                </td>
>                <td>
>                        <?php echo $this->formSelect('adjType',
> $this->adjType, array
> ("onChange"=>"getAdjForm()"), array(""=>"Select an Adjustment Type") +
> $this->adjTypes) ?>
>                </td>
>        </tr>
>        <tr>
>                <td>
>                        <b>Submitting Territory</b>
>                </td>
>                <td>
>                        <?php echo $this->formSelect('shortTerritory',
> $this-
> >shortTerritory, array("onChange"=>"getTerritories()"), array
> (""=>"Select a Territory") + $this->shortTerritories) ?>
>                        <div id="territories"></div>
>                </td>
>        </tr>
>        <tr>
>                <td valign="top">
>                        <b>Justification</b>
>                </td>
>                <td>
>                        <?php echo
> $this->formTextarea('justification',$this-
> >justification,array("rows"=>"5","cols"=>"75")) ?>
>                </td>
>        </tr>
> </table>
> <hr>
> <div id="adjForm">
> </div>
> ***********************************
> This issue is that the data that should be here:
> <div id="adjForm">
> </div>
> Is never showing. When getAdjForm(); is called from getTerritories(),
> the $('territory').value !== "" seems to be the problem. Does the
> browser not know that was an element because it just appeared?
> >

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