This method works well in FF 3.5, but FF 3.0.12 doesn't like it...  I
really would like to keep the from coming in a separate variable, but
realize I may have to change that.

3.0.12's POST (truncated) just for info:

3.5's POST (truncated):

As you can see 3.5 has extra characters...

I'm sending this to PHP, and my processing script receives the JSON
variable as such

$json_string = (isset($_POST['json']) ? rawurldecode($_POST['json']) :
$json = json_decode($json_string, true);
if (($json == '') || empty($json) || ($json == null)) {
        $result['valid_result'] = 2;
        $result['reason'] = rawurlencode("Unknown error, Administrator has
been notified.  Please try again later");
        $result = json_encode($result);
        header("Content-Type: application/json");
        print $result;


so when users are using 3.0.xx they always receive this error message,
because the PHP script doesn't see it as valid JSON.

but 3.5 users (myself only) can perform the saves/deletes, etc

This is for an internal application, we only allow FF to be used.

Thanks for the help!

On Jul 30, 4:00 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <> wrote:
> Sorry, I got my wires crossed half-way through the first one of
> those.  You can't use String#toJSON, it's not a string!  Doh.
> Correcting my first example:
> entry = encodeURIComponent(Object.toJSON($('busCalForm').serialize
> (true)));
> new Ajax.Request(
>     "modules/buscal/processes/saveBooking.php", {
>     parameters: {
>         year: year,
>         recnum: busmstr_id,
>         json: entry
>     },
>     onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
>     onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)
> });
> Sorry 'bout that.
> -- T.J. :-)
> On Jul 30, 8:55 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > You're sending an unencoded string (which happens to be in JSON
> > format) as part of your parameters string, which is meant to be URL-
> > encoded data.  A # sign is the least of your problems. ;-)  You'll
> > want to encode that with JavaScript's encodeURIComponent function[1].
> > Somewhat OT, but as of 1.6 (at least), the preferred way to provide
> > options to Ajax.Request is as an object.  If you give it a string,
> > that string will be converted to an object, and then later converted
> > back into a string.  Yes, really. :-)  Also, String has a toJSON
> > function you can use instead of JSON.stringify (not that it matters).
> > So:
> > entry = encodeURIComponent($('busCalForm').serialize(true).toJSON());
> > new Ajax.Request(
> >     "modules/buscal/processes/saveBooking.php", {
> >     parameters: {
> >         year: year,
> >         recnum: busmstr_id,
> >         json: entry
> >     },
> >     onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
> >     onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)
> > });
> > > How can I effectively escape an entire form, without
> > > having to get the value and escape them individually?  Is there a
> > > command I'm missing?
> > That's not quite what your code is doing; you're sending the form
> > fields as a JSON-encoded string in a parameter called "json".  If you
> > just want to send the form fields, and you don't need them to arrive
> > at the other end as a JSON string, there's a *much* shorter way:
> > Form#request[2].  Assuming that your form element has the
> > saveBooking.php as its action attribute:
> > $('busCalForm').request({
> >     parameters: {
> >         year: year,
> >         recnum: busmstr_id
> >     },
> >     onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
> >     onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)
> > });
> > The form fields will no longer be JSON-ified (but will be properly URL-
> > encoded), they'll arrive as individual parameters on the request.  If
> > the form field doesn't have saveBooking.php as its action and you
> > can't change that, the Ajax.Request can still be simplified:
> > params = $('busCalForm').serialize(true);
> > params.year = year;
> > params.recnum = busmstr_id;
> > new Ajax.Request(
> >     "modules/buscal/processes/saveBooking.php", {
> >     parameters: params,
> >     onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
> >     onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)
> > });
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > HTH,
> > --
> > T.J. Crowder
> > tj / crowder software / com
> > Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available
> > On Jul 30, 8:27 pm, infringer <> wrote:
> > > I have a form, I've been doing this in javascript:
> > > entry = $('busCalForm').serialize(true);
> > > entry = JSON.stringify(entry);
> > > new Ajax.Request("modules/buscal/processes/saveBooking.php", {
> > >          parameters: "year=" + year + "&recnum=" + busmstr_id + "&json=" +
> > > entry,
> > >          onSuccess: busCal.gotEntry.bind(this),
> > >          onFailure: busCal.gotFailure.bind(this)
> > >          });
> > > But i have a user that has typed a # in one of the fields, and the
> > > script dies.  How can I effectively escape an entire form, without
> > > having to get the value and escape them individually?  Is there a
> > > command I'm missing?
> > > -David- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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