the following code seems to work fine in Firefox, allowing me to drag
and drop an item, then pick it up a second later and drop it to a new
area. However in IE, it completely breaks down. The next 21 (or so)
times I mouse up (only on mouseup, mouse down does not do it, and I
can mouse down on one div, move to another to mouseup and it will
create a duplicate on the mouseuped div), a copy of the draggable
appears in whatever droppable my mouse is over. Once it's done with
that silliness, all my draggables are broken and do not drag.

function DropHandler(element,el){
        var newnode  = document.createElement('img');
        var classname = element.className;
        newnode.setAttribute("class", classname);
        newnode.setAttribute("className", classname);
        new Draggable(,{revert:true});

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