Yes! The core devs do need to address whether or not this
Ajax.Request#getStatus() behavior will be fixed.
All non-HTTP requests (namely file:) return a status of 0. A function like
the following needs to be added, probably in Ajax.Request#getStatus()

isHttp: function() {
  var pcol = String(this.url).match(/^([a-z]+)?\:/i);
  if (!pcol) {
    return window.location.protocol.match(/^https?\:/);
  if (pcol[1] == 'http') {
    return true;

In my opinion, the status should be zero only on failure and an
onNetworkError or the like should be fired in place of on0 (Firing on0
seems kludgey). Other error status codes (such as 12002, 12007, 12029,
12030, 12031, 12152 and 13030) need to be mapped to a status of 0 and fire
onNetworkError (see "Ajax: the Complete Reference" by Thomas Powell - )

Then, as you mentioned, Ajax.Request#success() would then be  return
(status> = 200 && status <300);

With the current state of Prototype, you'll need to manually interpret a
success as a failure when the request is HTTP.

- Ken

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 4:15 AM, T.J. Crowder <>wrote:

> > Looks like success() returns TRUE all the time as foolged said.
> Yes, if getStatus returns 0 (either because the HTTP status code
> really came back from the browser as 0, or because the browser didn't
> supply one at all), then success will return true.  This has been
> noted before.[1][2]
> I'd love to hear from one of the core devs (NOT just someone active on
> this list like myself) *why* zero is considered success, because it
> doesn't make sense to me.  The server being offline is certainly not a
> successful outcome.  Most of the contributors to Prototype are not
> dumb, it's there for a reason, I just want to know what the reason is
> since they didn't feel it deserved a comment in the source.
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> T.J. Crowder
> tj / crowder software / com
> Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available
> On Jul 16, 1:52 pm, dmitrymos <> wrote:
> > Alex, what does success() return if getStatus() returns 0 in case of
> > error?
> >
> > Looks like success() returns TRUE all the time as foolged said.
> >
> > On Jul 16, 7:37 am, "Alex McAuley" <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > as it states.......
> >
> > > Return !status (NOT STATUS) || (OR) status greater than or equal to 200
> > > (TRUE|FALSE) && status LESS THAN 300
> >
> > > as i said again it returns a true false
> >
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "foolged" <>
> > > To: "Prototype &" <
> > > Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 10:42 AM
> > > Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: checked !status in line 1496?
> >
> > > (prototype-1.6.1.RC3)
> >
> > > > Hi All
> > > > You do not understand my question.
> > > > I asked, not what is returned.
> > > > I asked what is checked! status?
> >
> > > > IMHO rightly so.
> > > > return (status> = 200 & & status <300);
> >

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