All right, lads, let's move along...  Each approach has its benefits
and costs, it all depends on what problem you're solving.

Matt, FWIW, I think you'd want to override the `include` method as
well, as others a NumberRange with even numbers would "include" 3.  At
that point you're overriding most of ObjectRange, so I'd probably just
start from Enumerable.  This is not intended as a dig.

-- T.J.

On Sep 25, 9:51 pm, "Alex McAuley" <>
> Omg get over yourself you have taken what i said completely the wrong way..
> What arrogant plug was that?...
> Lets take your code and look at it shall we...
> 30+ lines for no reason other than "Hey look at me, i can write a
> function/class in 30 lines that only needs to be 5."
> Chill out dude, i wasn't knocking your code, it was just OTT.
> You can continue to think you are right which is arrogance in itself...
> there is more than one way to skin a cat.
> TJ's/My loop that took all of 30 seconds to create is faster no doubt, has
> less weight and does the job. I personaly have better things to do than
> write some amazing class to achieve what can be done in 30 seconds -
> evidently you do not so good luck with that.
> Alex Mcauley
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matt Foster" <>
> To: "Prototype &" <>
> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 9:16 PM
> Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment
> > That only gives you even or odd increments to the top number...
> Incorrect, notice the constructor method? It ensures that the number
> given is even such that you'll never get a range of odd numbers.
> Granted the last line of the Jojo's question was
> > Let's say count up by 2's: [2,4,6,8,10].  How do you do this?
> Hence why I went with this specific implementation, to demonstrate how
> you can create classes that the ObjectRange class can use to create
> proper ranges.  I didn't feel it was necessary to abstract out the
> class such that it covers all bases but demonstrate how to do it one
> way and then Jojo could modify for their own purposes.
> > Better to go with my/TJ's loop
> What an arrogant plug of your own spaghetti code and hasty discredit
> to my contribution.  Exposing your shortfalls isn't difficult, you
> aren't creating a range object, completely bypassing the ObjectRange's
> functionality and just simply creating a hacked out array.
> So to put the nail in the coffin, here is the classes abstracted out
> var IncrementNumber = Class.create({
> initialize : function(num, increment){
> this.num = num;
> this.increment = increment;},
> succ : function(){
> return this.clone(this.num + this.increment, this.increment);},
> clone : function(num, increment){
> return new IncrementNumber(num, increment);},
> toString : function(){
> return this.num;}
> });
> var EvenNumber = Class.create(IncrementNumber,
> {
> initialize : function($super, num){
> $super(num, 2);
> this.num = (num % 2 == 1) ? num - 1 : num;},
> clone : function(num, increment){
> return new EvenNumber(num);}
> });
> var NumberRange = Class.create(ObjectRange,
> {
> _each: function(iterator) {
> var value = this.start;
> while (this.include(value.num)) {
>   iterator(value.num);
>   value = value.succ();
> }
> },
> });
> var bottom = new IncrementNumber(-10, 2);
> //var bottom = new EvenNumber(-20);
> var top = new EvenNumber(25);
> var range = $A(new NumberRange(bottom, top));
> console.log(range);
> nothing gets me fired up like a flame...
> On Sep 25, 2:25 pm, "Alex McAuley" <>
> wrote:
> > That only gives you even or odd increments to the top number...
> > WHat if you wanted every 5th number ...
> > Better to go with my/TJ's loop
> > Alex Mcauley
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Matt Foster" <>
> > To: "Prototype &"
> > <>
> > Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 5:57 PM
> > Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment
> > I'd just use an 'iterator' class to do this...
> > var EvenNumber = Class.create(
> > {
> > initialize : function(num){
> > this.num = (num % 2 == 1) ? num - 1 : num;
> > },
> > succ : function(){
> > return new EvenNumber(this.num + 2);
> > },
> > toString : function(){
> > return this.num;
> > }
> > });
> > var bottom = new EvenNumber(1);
> > var top = new EvenNumber(21);
> > var range = $A($R(bottom, top));
> > console.log(range);
> > I had done this to a much greater extent in my date range selector
> > gadget. Where it became the master range, held a range of calendar
> > objects, which were in themselves ranges of date objects... fun stuff.
> >
> > ps just looking over that, should rename that class to
> > "PositiveEvenNumber", only going to work one way, but you get the idea
> > On Sep 25, 4:15 am, "Alex McAuley" <>
> > wrote:
> > > function everyOther(start, end, increment) {
> > > var n;
> > > var rv = [];
> > > for (n = start; n <= end; n += increment) {
> > > rv[rv.length] = n;
> > > }
> > > return rv;
> > > }
> > > Just a mod to make it better to be able to change it to 3's, 4's, 5's
> > > ;)
> > > Alex Mcauley
> > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > From: "T.J. Crowder" <>
> > > To: "Prototype &"
> > > <>
> > > Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 8:29 AM
> > > Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Range utility increment
> > > Hi,
> > > > I'm looking for a way to specify that I want to increment by any
> > > > value. Let's say count up by 2's: [2,4,6,8,10]. How do you do this?
> > > ObjectRange itself is for ranges of consecutive values, but you can
> > > get an array of such values by applying Enumerable#collect to a range:
> > > var twos;
> > > twos = $R(1, 5).collect(function(x) { return x * 2; });
> > > ...although frankly I'd probably go with a straight loop like Alex did
> > > (although a slightly different one):
> > > function everyOther(start, end) {
> > > var n;
> > > var rv = [];
> > > for (n = start; n <= end; n += 2) {
> > > rv[rv.length] = n;
> > > }
> > > return rv;
> > > }
> > > FWIW,
> > > --
> > > T.J. Crowder
> > > tj / crowder software /
> > > On Sep 24, 11:15 pm, JoJo <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > From the documentation of the Range utility, it seems like it can only
> > > > increment by 1's. For example, $A($R(1,10,true)) gives you:
> > > > [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].
> > > > I'm looking for a way to specify that I want to increment by any
> > > > value. Let's say count up by 2's: [2,4,6,8,10]. How do you do this?
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