I have put up a version on my web server.


The JS file is at http://www.evilc.com/pb/placebook.js - the code you
are interested in will be in the pb_editloc object near the end.
The HTML of the form is at 
(the php grabs this and passes it to the JS in the templates[] array)

Here is how to replicate:

1. Click "Add Location" in the top right of the map window - This
calls pb_editloc.add
2. Click the "Point" radio button in the form that appears.

You are now in the form where the problem lies - with the submit/
cancel buttons at the bottom.

Click on the map to place a marker and type a name in the name box to
make the submit button light up. Once you click submit, it adds the
location to the back end database fine, but when it calls
pb_editloc.deleteform in the AJAX callback function (in
pb_editloc.submit), it fails.

Notice if you click Cancel, it kills the form fine. This ultimately
calls pb_editloc.deleteform just like submit does, but I am presuming
as there is no AJAX call still running that the button started, the
button can be deleted.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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