
Maybe this is a simple task, or maybe it is an impossible one, I dont
know. But here it goes:

Assume you have

<div id="containerDiv">
<div id="div_1"><img src="arrow.gif" ><a href="page.html">page</a></
<div id="div_1"><img src="arrow.gif" ><a href="page.html">page</a></
<div id="div_1"><img src="arrow.gif" ><a href="page.html">page</a></

I want the img tag to be the only draggable element. So when you are
with the mouse over the image, it will be possibile to drag. But then
ALL THE DIV should be dragged. Is that clear?

I dont know how to do this. If I add the option tag: img to Sortable,
it doesnt help. I then tried also to give the images an id, like
img_1, img_2 and so on. Is this possible to solve?


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