For most typical cases, JSON is easier, and more efficient. For one,
by sending a Content-type header of "application/json" you can send an
array down from the server, and Prototype automatically converts it
into a JSON object you can utilize.

Hope that's helpful. There are much better explanations in the API
documentation, and people here in the group who can articulate it much
better than i.
-joe t.

On Dec 21, 2:59 am, Frédéric <> wrote:
> On lundi 21 décembre 2009, joe t. wrote:
> > i may be misunderstanding the problem you're describing, but typically
> > when you submit an array of values with the same field name, you want
> > to use "[]" on the end of the field name. It's possible IE is
> > submitting the array in its object form, which the server is seeing as
> > string "[object]" and sending back untouched. If the fields are in
> > your HTML, they need an attribute like:
> > <input ... name="picts[]" />
> > or if the data is managed by your script, and passed in the
> > Ajax.Request as part of the parameters option, you still need to wrap
> > the name into a string:
> > { parameters: { "picts[]" : picts ... } }
> > Sorry if that's on the wrong track.
> Thanks for the explanation.
> I was wondering: a better solution is may be to use json? What do you
> sthink about?
> --
>     Frédéric


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