I have a form with some radio buttons that via Ajax.Updater relaod a <td> with a selection pull down. It all works fine, except that the first radio button clicked stays clicked, even when I click another. The correct data is loaded into the <td> though.

<td colspan="2" onclick=" return scriptChain(event, 'proccodeSelect', 'dollar/showProccodes.php', 'postUnscheduledForm'); ">Procedures for:
<input type="radio" name="sortClass" value="office" > Office &nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="sortClass" value="hospital"> Hospital &nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="sortClass" value="forensic"> Forensic &nbsp;
<input type="radio" name="sortClass" value="admin"> Administrative
<td align="right">Procedure</td><td id="proccodeSelect"><select name="proccode">$proccodeList</select></td>
// ******************************G E N E R I C S C R I P T C H A I N I N G *********************** function scriptChain (evt, newDivID, chainToProgram, chainFromFormID) { // scriptChain //alert ("scriptChain: " + newDivID + " ->" + chainToProgram + " with>" + chainFromFormID +"<");
    stopBubble (evt);
        new Ajax.Updater(newDivID, chainToProgram, {
            parameters:  $(chainFromFormID).serialize(true),
            onFailure: function(response) {
alert ("patient.php: failure to submit form: " + chainFromFormID);
        return false;
    } // scriptChain

Bill Drescher
william {at} TechServSys {dot} com

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