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-- T.J.

On Mar 9, 11:56 am, bill <> wrote:
> Pardon me if this has been seen/replied to, apparently I am not getting
> all the mail from the group
> When I load a div using AJAX.updater that contains a script
> and then call the script, recalc(), I get the error message: recalc is
> not defined.
> thoughts/suggestions please
> where did I go wrong ?
> These are old scripts that I am using in the rewrite of an application,
> but should work.
> The script that loads the div is:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> function scriptChain (evt, newDivID, chainToProgram, chainFromFormID) {
> // scriptChain
>      stopBubble (evt);
>      // if chainFromFormID is blank, use a chain without data
>      if (chainFromFormID == "")   { // no data
>          document.getElementById (newDivID).style.display = "block";
>          new Ajax.Updater(newDivID, chainToProgram, {
>          evalScripts:true
>          });
>          return false; //inhibit the href
>          } //no data
>      else   { // with data
>          new Ajax.Updater(newDivID, chainToProgram, {
>              parameters:  $(chainFromFormID).serialize(true),
>              onFailure: function(response) {
>              alert ("patient.php: failure to submit form: " +
> chainFromFormID);
>              },
>          evalScripts:true
>          });
>          return false;
>          } //with data
>      } // scriptChain
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> and works fine
> The page that I am loading contains
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
> window.reformat = function (t,d) {
>     var     bal  = ( Math.round((t.value * 100) + .4))/100.0;
>      t.value= FormatNumber(bal,2)
>      return true
>      }
> window.recalc = function (t,d){
>      reformat(t,d);
>      //then recalc amount remaining
>      var bal = t.form.amount.value
>      bal -=t.form.amount1.value
>      bal -=t.form.amount2.value
>      bal -=t.form.amount3.value
>      bal -=t.form.amount4.value
>      bal -=t.form.amount5.value
>      bal -=t.form.amount6.value
>      t.form.amount_remaining.value = bal
>      reformat(t.form.amount_remaining,2)
>      if (t.form.amount_remaining.value< 0.0) { // error
>          alert ("ERROR, you can not distribute MORE than the amount of
> the payment")
>          }
>       }
> </script>
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Bill Drescher
> william {at} TechServSys {dot} com

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